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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

PenelopeTFeb 26, 2011

Aww, it seems birthday wishes are in order. Happy Birthday, Jen! \:wub\: Hope things are working out well with selling your home, car and starting a new business. That is a lot to undertake all at once, so I wish you smooth sailing. \:\) So sorry I've not been by your blog lately, but I've not had a lot of time for much of anything in the way of Simming or surfing the Internet. Things have been quite busy for me as well. \;\) Do hope that you have a nice rest of the weekend. By the way, love your new avatat and banner! \:rah\: ~ Pene

sleeplessFeb 25, 2011

Happy birthday \:wub\:

spladoumFeb 25, 2011

Happy birthday, Jen! \:rah\:

topaz27Feb 20, 2011

Hi Jen, Forgot to say that your new banner and avatar look amazing \:\) \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 18, 2011

Hi Jen, It was good to hear from you \:\) Wow you have been busy, your dealing with such a lot of changes right now, here's to hoping all goes well with selling your beautiful home and now your car too, and getting your business started \;\) no wonder you have no time for simming etc, you must be exhausted by the end of each day \:eek\: I sure would be \:P but that's wonderful news that you and your bf are going into business together \:\) I think that's awesome \;\) I sincerely wish you both every success for the future \:wub\: and I do look forward to seeing you around here more often when everything gets much more settled \:\) keeping you both very much in my prayers always \:wub\: do take good care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

RatRaceRobFeb 18, 2011

Warm greetings to you, Jen!  Thank you most kindly for complimenting the "Got Simanski?" promo screen... and it really is no problem for Jono or Jesse if you can't decide which you favor most lol \:P .  As for the shirts, well, neither of them wanted to wear those shirts.  But sometimes their director is smarter than they are \;\).  Thank you again, and fantastic banner by the way \:cool\:!!!

Fred&BarbFeb 18, 2011

(((((Jennifer)))) Oh I (Barb) just love your new banner and Avatar. Fred and I give you a great big thank you for reading and commenting on our City Lights. This one really kind of hard for us. The next set to come will be much lighter  with the weddings and all that jazz...\:wub\:Have a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

YrS92Feb 7, 2011

Hello Jen \:\) Hope everything is going well with you, I was very happy to notice you had been catching up with the Gardener's Dream \:wub\: Thank you so much, it was so nice to read all those comments \:\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

PenelopeTFeb 6, 2011

Jen!!!! Thanks so much for the super sweet comment you left on the finale of 'Love or Duty'! I'm so glad you liked the ending. It was bittersweet, but lots of happiness came from the whole situation. \:\) Hope all is well with you trying to get you home sold and the work you and your BF are doing figuring out a new business venture. \;\) Wishing you lots of well wishes and hope that things are quickly sorted out for you both! Have a great week! \:wub\: ~ Pene

topaz27Feb 5, 2011

Hi Jen, Popping in to wish you a very lovely weekend \:\)  do hope everything is going well, did you get the new 'Outdoor Living Stuff Pack' (I'm sure you did) :P  do hope your having lots of fun with it \;\)  and I do hope you will do some more screenshots soon \:\)  everything is fine over here, and I'm looking forward to lots of simming this weekend \:D  wishing you lots fun Jen \:\)  Take care, hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

PenelopeTJan 28, 2011

Hey Jen, hope you had a great week! Thanks for stopping by and scooping up more of my community lots. As for what to put in the space where the school is, I put a custom lot there. I tossed the hospital on that spot, and made a parking lot and added a ton of landscaping. I didn't upload that one though. It's one of my many lots that was only tossed together for my own game. Hope you have a great weekend! \:\)

spitzmagicJan 23, 2011

(((Jenn))) thanks bunches for checking out my screens. It sure is good to see you more often around here. Miss you...have a super ya \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloJan 23, 2011

Hi Jen! You are very welcome! Thanks for sharing, have a great week-end, F.

topaz27Jan 16, 2011

Love your new set of screenshots of Bridgeport Jen \:\)

topaz27Jan 16, 2011

Hi Jen, I'm so glad that you and all your family and friends are safe and well, I have seen so many very sad stories on our news concerning the floods in Australia, and now over in Brazil too, it's so heartbreaking \:\( that's wonderful news that you will be checking into TSR on weekends now \:\) I'm so glad \;\) how are things going with selling your home \:confused\: do hope everything works out exactly as you would like them too \:\) and I wish you a very good week ahead, enjoy some of that beautiful sunshine for me, as I'm missing it very much right now \:\( lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:   

PenelopeTJan 16, 2011

Jen!!!!! It's so good to hear from you and see you over here at TSR! \:rah\: So glad that you've been able to get Bridgeport up and running. I did enjoy playing it for awhile, but am partial to the suburban hoods. It is perfect for those single young adults though. \;\) So, will you be moving anyone from your story there, or are you working on something new featuring Bridgeport? \:confused\: By the way, you're such a dear for checking out my latest story and leaving such wonderful comments on that and my screenshots. \:wub\: As for the story, I'd taken soooooooooooooo many screenshots (more than 150)  of just Adam's generation, and had been wanting to share more of them then just uploading them would have made possible. So, a short story seemed the only solution. \:D I really appreciate the bit about my decorating style. I'm afraid that I'm a very visual person, so things have to be just so in order for me to feel comfortable or happy, even in the game. In real life, my clothing has to match, but have a little flare. Things about my house, have to match and be placed just so too. It's all rather OCD....I know....LOL! \:P \:puke\: From looking at the screenshots, would you believe that there is not an iota of unofficial CC in my game (other than patterns I've made)? The only thing I have in my play game is stuff from the store and the Dr. Pepper and T-Mobile promotions. The T-Mobile items are actually quite nice....especially since EA made those free. \:\)  I've seen folks say that there is no way to make the game or the Sims look good without CC, but with a little work, it can be done. \;\) I do still have a CC version that I play every now and again, but with all of the bugs and patch issues the game has on it's own, my primary game will stay CC free. I love CC, but have just grown tired of troubleshooting, each time a new EP, SP or patch comes out. \:rolleyes: Anywho, I hope your weekend has gone well and that you have a great week ahead! See you over at your blog sometime during the week. ~ Pene \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 16, 2011

\:wub\:  Thanks dear Jenn for reading the final 2 chapters of swamped... and leaving such wonderful comments \:wub\:  Yes... the whole intention of this story was to write about this akward family... they are a bit inapropriate... but all diamonds in the rough. \;\) I should check in on them again... see if that baby of Ted's and Didi's looks more like her mom... with red hair and all... hahaha... See you soon again! I noticed that you found Barb's and my new office downtown! Drop by anytime. We love to have company \:\)

Fred&BarbJan 16, 2011

Jenn....\:wub\:  How sweet of you to stop by at our new office! And thanks for reading our first story written here at our new place! Yes, this makes it much easier for us. I hope you and your family are well, and I have been thinking alot about my friends from down under... The floods are terrible ...\:\( Big HUGGGS to you and we always have coffee and cake here at our office, so drop by whenever you feel like it! \:wub\:

martoeleJan 16, 2011

Hi Jennifer! Thank you for commenting part 9 of my 'Moon-story'. It's partly true that you haven't seen Jane with her new look. That is partly.... because if you look at the last 2 screens of the story, you can see her allthough not very well. She didn't have a complete make-over, only when she goes out. I think her common hairstyle goes with her character. She is quite reserved.... \:\) Please, don't shorten the name of Penelope because that's a word in spanish that means 'p--is' and she knows it. She doesn't want to be called like that; 'Pe' would be okay. \:D   I've written part 10 but still am working on the images. I really do hope that the wether problems in Australia dont affect you or any relatives of you. It must be horrible. Such a large surface as France and Germany together under the water. Take care, Jen. \:\(  I will have a look at your blog soon. Have been very busy because at the moment I'm managing 2 blogs of my own, one in dutch and one in spanish. I used to have those simple blogs on Messenger but they didn't want to continue with the bloggers and they transfered them to Wordpress. During the transfer everything got mixed up and now I'm trying to re-organize everything. It really is quite a job because this blog is as complicated as a website. I never handled one before and still am 'in the dark' but hopefully I will soon be able to understand it all and then have more time for my 'social' readings... \:\)  It's possible that I ask you some advise on blogging. I hope you don't mind. Big hug and all the best for 2011 (better late than never). \:wub\:

Kayla_MarieJan 13, 2011

I just loved your drifter story. it was awesome

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