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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

topaz27Nov 26, 2010

Hi Jen, I am so glad that we will still get to see a little of Will and Eliza here and there \:\) and thank you for all your very kind and sweet comments on my latest screenshots \;\) I hope you have lovely weekend with lots of beautiful sunny weather, it's freezing over here \:\(  it's not so long until Christmas time again though, Yippy, it's the best time of year \:\) well I hope your having lots of fun, do take care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:    

iron mumNov 24, 2010

Hi there and thank you for commenting on my Screen shot \:D

TwilightDreamerNov 23, 2010

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments, & funny thing they all do fit in the basket somehow lol \:D have a wonderful day

flody888Nov 23, 2010

You're welcome! \:\) That mixologist was a cutie! Glad you're having fun with LN. Can't wait to get it myself! \:\) Have a fabulous week!

PenelopeTNov 23, 2010

Aww, you commented on my gallery pics too! Thank you, Jen. \:wub\:

PenelopeTNov 23, 2010

Oops, forgot to say a big thank you for the kind words in my guestbook about my FA/SA status. Believe it or not, I actually really like being an SA, and really have no desire to be an FA. It's just fun being able to share some of my creations. \:\)

PenelopeTNov 23, 2010

Hey Jen, how are you!?! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello. It's been awhile! \:\) So glad your weather has been so great. It's been eons since I've gone to a beach. The weather here hasn't been too bad for fall (almost winter). Yesterday, it was in the low 60's, which is more spring like. It should be in the 30's and 40's. Now next week, it'll! \:D Sorry you haven't been able to get Bridgeport loaded. EA did a great job with the content and new interactions they gave us with this EP, but Bridgeport is one glitchy world and there are some issues with the combined 'rabbithole' buildings as well (when it comes to doing opportunities). We'll see if we get a decent patch to fix some issues. I played it for the first week after LN came out, then moved on. I've already redone Twinbrook and Barnacle Bay and added the party buildings that I wanted. If you don't care about celebrity status being the thing that gets someone into a club, you could go into 'Edit Town' mode and delete out that bouncer ropes in each of the buildings. That way, anyone can come in. You may get more people that way. \:confused\: I got rid of the ropes in my family hoods just so I didn't have to deal with the hassle. If my Sims want to hang out, or go out to eat and dance, they should just be able to. I care nothing about them being elite enough to get in. Hanging out, should just be fun! \:P Thanks so much for all of the wonderful comments on my latest Goth-Caspian screenshots. This family line is just so close to my heart. It's been ages since I've felt attached to my Sims (not since the Goth family in TS2). So, I'm really enjoying playing the line through. Hard to believe, this all started with my simself adopting \:D Can't wait to see who little Adam grows up to marry (I always let them sort of find their own mate amongst the game generated Sims). Aiden really lucked out with Kim. She's been awesome! \:\) Oh well, hope you have a great rest of the week, Jen. Enjoy your great weather, and I'll pop by your blog soon. \:wub\: ~ Pene

fredbrennyNov 23, 2010

Hi Jenn!!! \:wub\:  Big HUGGGS for you and thanks so much for having started on the Hanky story! I hope it will make you laugh. I tried to make it a funny one, beit a little cynical...\:D So good to see you again too! We've missed you! \:wub\: 

martoeleNov 23, 2010

Thank you very much Jen for all your kind words on my 'Moon'-story 6. It is very much appreciated. Have you noticed that part 7 has been published as well? You can find it at my minisite. Have a fantastic week! Hugs ~ Margo.

topaz27Nov 19, 2010

Hi Jen, Yeah I at last got some free time during the week to call in and catch up on what's been happening with Will and Eliza, Part 2 Finale - Good and bad beginnings was awsome, but sad to leave Will and Eliza, will you be doing anymore updating on them as you go along or are they completley gone now \:\( poor Katherine and Charlie are having a difficult time, I wonder what will happen here, and Barbara Seymour is indeed very interesting \:\) you really do bring the characters to life, and as always your pictures are absolutley awesome \:wub\: well I do hope all is well with you and that you have a really lovely weekend \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

YrS92Nov 15, 2010

Hi Jen, how are you doing? I'm recovering from a cold here, waiting for bus in a freezing wind and rain in high heels without socks wasn't probably my best idea... Anyways, whenever you find time, there's a new chapter of Gardener's Dream out, I would love to hear what you think about it\:\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

topaz27Nov 12, 2010

Hi Jen, It was great to hear from you \:\) Yes it's been ages since we really chatted \:\( I am so sorry to hear about your job ending, but it's good that your alright about it and even done well from it \:\) I do hope you and your boyfriend enjoy some good fun time together before going back into jobs, and I will keep you both in my prayers for everything to work out well for you both in finding something when your ready \:\) your new site is looking great, and I do thank you for even helping me find some new sim goodies for TS2 \;\) I checked out some of your links and found some brillant stuff \:\) I still have 2 chapters of 'The Drifter' to read, and hope to do that this weekend \;\) I will get back to you as soon as I read them, it's so sad to see another great story come to an end \:\( but I'm sure you'll have another wonderful story on the way soon \:\) thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my 'Teen Screens', I have remade them all using new skintones etc, all my old shots were with maxis skintones, so they hopefully will look much better now \:D it's all the kind and encouraging words that friends say and like the ones you wrote in my 'GB' that give me the boost I need to get back into doing screenshots, so thank you \:wub\: I have seen that you have done some fantastic new screenshots, so I must check them out now \:\) look forward to chatting more soon, hugs Topaz \:wub\:

RatRaceRobNov 11, 2010

Fond greetings, Jen!  \:o Sorry it has taken me so long to thank you for your fabulous comment on Flip (4)...  I haven't been visiting my TSR as often as was my usual, and I missed your comment for a bit there... please accept my heartfelt but belated thanks, for I do appreciate hearing from you always \:wub\:

spitzmagicNov 11, 2010

((((Jenn)))) thank you soooo much Jenn for paying me a wonderful visit. I'm glad you like my Halloween tale. Hahahah yes better keep your eye on that GPS....  LOL...It was a blast to do. Thanks for the comments on my screens too. I was so happy to see the hot tub back and so much more stuff too. We are mid way through the week...yippppeee..HAve a great one \:wub\:

AngelaNov 10, 2010

Hi, thank you so much for your lovely comment! but yes, you are right, the arms will float in mid air, sorry bout that. i just figuered that putting armrests on that chair would mess up the design.

PenelopeTNov 10, 2010

Thanks for the screenshot comment too! \:wub\:

PenelopeTNov 10, 2010

Hey Jen! So glad to hear that you've gotten your game working. \:rah\: In my game, Bridgeport is the only glitchy neighborhood as well. All of my suburban hoods function properly, even with the added apartments and nightclubs. It looks as if EA tried to cram too many things into the new hood. \:wacko\: My main issues were the shared businesses (the business buidling/restaurant, city hall/military/police station)...ugh! Opportunities were all screwed up, and if I tried to have another saved game (like in SV, RV, BB, TB) while having a saved game in Bridgeport, the game would just crash without warning. \:rolleyes: Eventually, I started a fresh 'Sims 3' game folder, thus getting rid of my old games and saves, and all has been well since. Though, I've left Bridgeport behind. Refuse to corrupt my saves anymore. \:mad\: Highly doubt there will be a patch that can fix all of the issues that Bridgeport is having. We'll probably be on the next EP before things getting totally squared \:D Well anyhow, how have you been? Still enjoying a little holiday time, or are you feeling restless yet? It was good to hear from you. TSR's site had been a little off lately, so just being able to get on and not get bumped off is a treat today. Yesterday, not so much. \:P Hope you have a great rest of the week. Think there are still some chapters of your story for me to catch up on, so I'll be by on the weekend to take a peek. Take care, Jen! \:wub\:  

fredbrennyNov 10, 2010

\:wub\: Hi there Jenn, I hope you had a great holiday and I thank you for commenting on the screenies I did! \:wub\:

martoeleNov 10, 2010

Thank you, Jen, for taking the time to read part 5 of my story 'Moon'. I'm pleased to hear that you like me adding new characters to the story. I was wondering already if the story is not 'overloaded'. There are now several story lines in this one and it is almost starting to look like a 'Chronicle' of the street they live in. \:\)  I'm making it more difficult for myself as well. I really am glad that you like it. ~ Margo.

martoeleNov 10, 2010

Thank you Jennifer for commenting my last screenies! \:D

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