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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

martoeleNov 10, 2010

Hello Jenn! Welcome home from holidays! I hope for you that they were perfect! \:\)  If you've got a moment of time, come over to my minisite to see the last events of my story 'Under The Same Moon'. I would love to hear what you think of it.

PenelopeTNov 5, 2010

Hey Jen, so glad you and your bf had a good time on holiday. \:wub\: There is so much I've got to catch up with you on and thank you for, but I'm so pressed for time this morning (got an appt., then heading off to work). Saw your GB entries and comments on my screens. Also, have some advice for you on maybe getting your game working and stable. \;\) I'll pop back in here tomorrow and leave a proper message. Until then, have a great day! \:\) ~ Pene

topaz27Oct 29, 2010

Hi Jen, I hope you both have a wonderful time \:wub\:  sorry for not dropping by in a while, there are just not enough hours in the day for me at the moment \:\(  been so busy with too many things \:rolleyes: do take lots of care and have fun \;\)  I look forward to catching up with you when you get back  \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

martoeleOct 25, 2010

Hi Jen! I will have a look at The Drifter ASAP. Meanwhile, I wish you unforgetable holidays! Hugs ~ Margo. \:D

PenelopeTOct 25, 2010

Have a safe trip, Jen! Looking forward to hearing all about your holiday travels after you return. \:wub\:

QueenLaureen7Oct 20, 2010

Hey Super awesome Fans of COA \:\) Im Baaaaaaack and Im creating a new series \:D I'll keep you posted!

spitzmagicOct 19, 2010

((((Jenn)))) hey thank you for your wonderful compilments on my new spooky's been fun to do...not to much longer on the last chapter...I wish you a wonderful week\:wub\:

PenelopeTOct 19, 2010

Bloody heck! \:o Forgot to say that Kim's leather jacket that you liked, is from the Sims 3 store. All the stuff in my screens are from the game(s) and the store. Remember, my 'play' game is now CC free. The only things I add are patterns that I make, and CC lots from a few artist on TSR. It's paid off, as I've not had any real gameplay issues. \;\) You mentioned an Error 12, but I'm not sure about that one. I just remember the Error 16 issue from the WA patch. Hope you're able to get your game sorted soon. \:confused\:

PenelopeTOct 19, 2010

Oops, thanks for your lovely comments on my screenies too! \:\)

PenelopeTOct 19, 2010

Jennnnnnnnn!! \:D It was so good to hear from you! Love the new banner and avatar. \:rah\: I will keep this short, as my hubby is waiting on me to come and watch a movie. Just wanted to let you know I'll be by your blog in the next day or so. Hope all is well, and I hope you have loads of fun on holiday. We all need a break every now and again. Take care! \:wub\: ~ Pene

martoeleOct 18, 2010

Hi Jen! You're so sweet....! All the lovely words you dedicate on the 4th part of my story \:\) I really feel flattered! Tonight I will read the next chapter of your Drifter! Thanks again for commenting! Hugs ~ Margo.

RatRaceRobOct 18, 2010

Jen--I'm back again--I blew an hour at work to finally read The Drifter up to The Rescue... I had picked it up at (3) and couldn't quit reading until the end of (7)... I am so ashamed it took me this long to get that far, because it is so much fun to read, and the pictures compliment the story beautifully!  If I could've posted comments on each chapter without making an account ((it looks to me like I'd have to make an account?))  I would've, it is how I prefer to leave my rat praise, chapter by chapter, and please accept my apologies for that *droopy whiskers*... but once I got started over at the blog I just couldn't leave it to come here... so what is on my mind the most at this very second of course is how much of a blast I had reading/watching Will beat the tar outta that woman-stealing Wolff!!!  Holy cowplant, was that fun!!!  I won't say it was worth poor Eliza getting kidnapped... wait a minute... yes it was worth it!!!  And the couple cuddling at home in the aftermath was sweet, too... but at least part of my ear-to-ear smile at the end was still for that Wolff spanking... right along with Will's smile on the last line LOL \:P \:D \:D

RatRaceRobOct 18, 2010

Greetings, Jen!  Thanks for the Flipside (3) love, very kind of you to honor me once again with your praises!  This series is at the halfway point ((it was meant to be 5 episodes long, like Cribts, but the script draft I have in front of me says it's going to be 6 total... dang... unless I take the scissors to it lol)), and most Jono/Jesse/Dani questions will be answered by the finale... I think. \:P .  If you have the time, you might want to have a look at the latest in My Gallery... there is something new and truly ridiculous in there ((if you do get the chance, make sure to read the first two comments ((Spladoum's)) afterward... you'll see why \;\) )) Most excellent to hear from you again, and have a wonderful week! \:D \:wub\:

FlatterOct 12, 2010

Hi Jen, thank you for commenting on the grim reaper's shopping tour screenie. Only realised today you had commented on it \:o  - I still seem to have trouble finding my way through the TSR website jungle. At example If it weren't for Margo I would still not have a story pod on my mini-site, lol. I will put up a blog pod next, but I am pretty sure I will mess things up again \:D

spitzmagicOct 8, 2010

((((Jenn))) Wishing you a wonderful weekend. I am pretty excited about Night Life. The Vamps are back \:DIt comes out here on the 26th. Can't wait. Yes, I was missing the hot tubs...I wonder if they will do pets...I sure hope they do...gotta have my pets..I hope EA knows how much we miss them \:D Texas has it's state fair this month so we are headed off to the fair. The weather is great here...nice fall weather going on right now. Have yourself a very merry ya lots \:wub\:

YrS92Oct 8, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Thank you for that lovely comment you left on my guestbook and for commenting the chapter 30\:wub\: I've been busy with work, but at least the exams are over... The results are promising: Civics left to the grading board as eximia too, and History left as laudatur \:rah\: I'm stunned\:\) The wedding should come out soon(a short chapter dedicated only for the wedding) so keep an eye on the storytelling section, and I'll try to catch up with The Drifter asap... Mum has read them already and needless to say she loved them\;\) Have a great weekend, hugs, Senja

spitzmagicOct 8, 2010

Yeppers I agree with Freddie, I really enjoyed the last to chapters of the Drifter...thanks Jenn for all your awesome comments on my screens and stuff. I wish you a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

fredbrennyOct 7, 2010

Hi Jenn! That was such a super sweet update on the Drifter! I enjoyed that very much! Makes me a warm inside. \:wub\: I am definitely working on a new story. It still needs a head and a tail, but I will have coming weekend to work on that! Enjoy yours! Have a great weekend!

RatRaceRobOct 6, 2010

Hellooo there, Jen!  Fantastic to hear from you on Flipside (2) and the goof gallery-- and I loved that you took the time to note each of the main cast, makes me feel all warm in the whiskers lol... ((makes the cast feel all special too, because I'm mental that way, and I've been spending way too much time with them and their problems/problems with me this week LOL))... always a pleasure to hear from you, I hope your week is going lovely \:P \:wub\:

fredbrennyOct 6, 2010

Have a great evening/night   \:D

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