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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

fredbrennyOct 6, 2010

Hi Jenn! I did your poll, and I think I am the first one, so you can see what I answered...LOL I'm afraid I'm a total addict. Have a great day! \:wub\:  

KadriWrightOct 3, 2010

Thank you for taking time to comment on my screenshot! \:\)

topaz27Oct 3, 2010

Hi Jen, It was so lovely to hear from you as always, I am glad you liked having your own little special box to tick on my poll \:D bet your now having some gorgeous weather there, we have had a whole week of rain, yes nothing but rain everyday, and it's even raining now as I write in your 'GB' \:\( also our nights are getting so much darker, it's 'lights on' now at about 7pm and that's on a good day \:D so right now I am thinking about you enjoying all that beautiful sunshine \:\) I will be calling by your blog hopefully later today to see whats happening \;\) I think you have done a awesome job with your blog, I love the new set out of your front page etc \:wub\: I hope your having a great weekend and wishing you a wonderful new week ahead too \:wub\: TC lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

PenelopeTOct 2, 2010

Hello, Jen! I'm a bit under the weather today, so I'll keep this short. Just wanted to wish you a great weekend and say thanks for the nice comment on my 'Clear Sky' screenshot, and for stopping by my guestbook. \:D I'll see you over at your blog soon! Please let me know when the next updates are up. Take care! \:wub\: ~ Pene

nik74Sep 29, 2010

Thanks for commenting on my screenshot, and sorry I didn't thank you sooner. Been super busy lately \:\)

YrS92Sep 28, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Thank you for commenting my chapter 29, so glad you enjoyed it\:\) Cherry doesn't really have that much luck, you could think she has the unlucky trait\:rolleyes: My exams are almost done, and I got the early results on the English already(Civics should come this week)... English will be sent to the final grading board as E( eximia cum laude approbatur ), the second best grade, but I'm not completely happy as I would've wanted to reach L( laudatur )... \:\( Can't wait to get the early results in Civics too... Anyways, I hope you have a great day, hugs, Senja\:wub\:

martoeleSep 28, 2010

Hi Jen! Thank you for commenting the second part of my story 'Under the same moon'. I love to hear what you think about Jane and Jeremy but... that real life as well.... It's not always love at first sight for both of them.... \:confused\:

fredbrennySep 28, 2010

Hi! I have to admit that I really DO need a new pair of glasses in real life. It was funny to see my simself act the same, although I guess it is because she is concentrating... LOL and not because of bad eye sight! Thanks for commenting on the screen shot. I also found out I posted a similar one in June \:o ! with similar caption?  hahaha

RatRaceRobSep 27, 2010

Helloooo Jen!  Been awhile, I know.  I am here to tell you how much I've been enjoying The Drifter at my slow snail's pace... not rat-like at all, it's so embarrassing ((I usually catch up on my reading and posting at work, but lately work has been more interested in me actually working, the nerve of them)).  So here I summarize my thoughts on 1&2 of the latest saga... Beautiful house and screens of the couple's first day/night in the new home, closely followed by the romance of chapter two... although I was wondering if there might be problems brewing with Will's wanting kids and Eliza's delaying of same... and then the last two shots-- has the big bad Wolff returned to his stalking, or is it some new villain?  LOL, I know the answer is already out there, I just have to get over there and find out :P!  Oh, and we rats usually do snub the silly wheel, leave it for the less intelligent rodents... we generally like to play computer games instead.  Er, well... this one does anyway!  \;\)

xtinabobinaSep 27, 2010

I'm glad you got those pictures sorted for centering..there's an icon above in the toolbar above your post (when in edit or post new) it looks like a few lines stacked on top of each other with an arrow to the right of it, click it, and click on the center format from the drop down menu. You weren't able to leave comments? What did it say? I checked my settings and anyone can leave a comment...?!! let me know asap!

MangioSep 27, 2010

Yes, i am so glad for the weekends \:\) \:wub\: Currently i'm on school holidays so i get to be with sims. I can't wait to get back into the sims now. :P

topaz27Sep 26, 2010

Hi Jen, I do hope your keeping well, it's wonderful to be back and enjoying the simming world again \:\) our weather is getting so much colder now, and I guess your now enjoying some lovely warm weather, I put up a new poll and I made a box for you to tick, yes your own special box \:cool\: wishing you a lovely sunday and a wonderful week ahead too \:wub\: take care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:   

PralinesimsSep 24, 2010

  Hello\:D  thank you for commenting on my screenies\:D! i wish you a beautiful day! *hugs*\:wub\:  

martoeleSep 24, 2010

Hi (((Jen))). I had missed several chapters of Eliza and Will. Thanks to your pm I got aware of it and I caught up with the whole story. \:wub\: It really is fantastic. It's good to work with drama as well. If it doesn't rain now and again, you will not appreciate the sunshine \:\) Hugs ~ Margo.

PenelopeTSep 22, 2010

Me again, Jen! Just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my 'Sunday football' screenshot. \:\)

xtinabobinaSep 22, 2010

hey jen! are you using the in game camera for your ts3 pictures? enlarging them would make them pixelated..but they should be plenty large enough even using the in-game camera..what size were you looking to resize them to? i'm glad to help you in any way! just ask \:\) and hope to see you at my blog soon!

YrS92Sep 22, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Thank you so much for commenting the chapter 28\:wub\: I'm glad you liked it, I'll try to start working on the next chapter asap, since the exams are almost over(only History left on October 1st)\:\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

PenelopeTSep 22, 2010

Hey Jen! Hope things are going well, even though you've been really busy. \:wub\: I know how those times are. It's like there is just not enough time in the day to do all the things you want to do. \;\) Hope you are enjoying nicer weather. We have major thunderstorms here, but that's all part of getting ready for the fall weather to come along. Fall, officially starts on the Sept 23rd. I'm getting excited about hayrides, going on haunted trails and eating donuts and apple cider, sitting at bonfires, etc. I'd better start increasing my workouts to accomodate the goodies I will be having....haha. \:D Well, I am loving your 'Drifter' updates. Can't wait for the next one. Glad you got the new stuff pack, but if things are running well, you should definitely wait until 'Late Night' comes along before installing it. There is a new patch that comes with 'FL', and it's been tricky for some. I've been pretty lucky with the patches lately, but even I got my first 'Error 16' while saving a game, after installing 'FL'. I haven't had that error since the 'WA' patch. I was not a happy camper, as it normally wipes out your saved game. Though, I managed to save my game as something else and preserve the file. EA, and their patches...\:rolleyes: Jen, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I'll chat with you soon! \:\) ~ Pene

libertySep 22, 2010

Hey Jennifer How are you? it's been a while! I wanted to thank you for your comment on my Screen Swan Residence from Twilight I'm glad you like it. I'm still working on the interior to get it right as far as the game let me, it wasen't easy with the exterior either. and I only have a few scenes from the movie, can't find a proper layout of the house and they made a replica of the house that's also a bit diffrent (the house in twilight was a real house they used but it was sold after the movie so for New Moon and Eclipse they made a replica of the original) I hope t finish it this wekend have a good week and wekend Hugs Mike

fredbrennySep 22, 2010

Jenn! \:wub\:  HUGGGS...  Thanks for commenting on those two screenshots... That is the lighthouse of Twinbrook... really.... it is there somewhere...out of reach...  I am working hard on a new story... but I still haven't got a beginning or an end, LOL Well the muzes have to pay me a visit pretty soon. Meanwhile I will play the game (which might trigger something) and take a lot of screenshots, because I DO know the subjects of my story \:D \:D Have a wonderful day!!!

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