King_Leo (2448929)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (30 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Truck Poster 2
Published Jan 27, 2012
About Me
Hallo, ich bin aus Deutschland und bin schon lange ein Sims-Fan. Leider ist mein Englisch nicht sehr gut. Meine Texte lasse ich fast immer automatisch uebersetzen. Aber ich kann Eure Mitteilungen lesen und verstehen.
Hello, I'm from Germany and I have long been a Sims fan. Unfortunately, my English is not very good. I'll translate my texts almost always automatic. But I can understand your messages and read.
Ein besonderer Service von mir: Meine Kreationen sind lokalisiert.
A special service of me: My creations are localized.
Leider werde ich keine Kreationen mehr auf TSR einstellen. Besucht mich auf meiner Seite. Danke.
Unfortunately I will not recruit more creations at TSR. Visit me on my site. Thank you.
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strange_characterDec 15, 2014
i've been so busy i haven't even been on here for a few months, my apologies for just getting back with you. i am going to check out your site now. thank you happy holidays
NynaeveDesignMar 01, 2014
Yes yes! I totally agree, death to the rabbitholes! Hope your sims like my coffee shop.
NynaeveDesignOct 05, 2013
You're too funny! I burst out laughing at the comments on my objects . Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Have a nice day and happy simming!