LJgaming (3234215)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Simple Lounge Shirt
Published Dec 29, 2010
About Me
L and J. 2 people what are one , you know In Sims we like to create children stuff because its cute and we are a little bit childish.As well there isnt that much done for kids and toddlers. Hope you make some use of our shares ^_^
My Guestbook Show All
karlene2012Aug 06, 2017
Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing!
jubee93Aug 25, 2014
Yay Malta!! Thanks for the stuff
jackmalice67Jun 26, 2013
would it be ok to make your headphones usable for girls/women? and to share that? you would be credited of course for the creation, we just want girls to have them too.