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Created for: The Sims 4
Bring your pets to a warm, happy place! The Vet Clinic has all your pet care needs, and a cozy cafe where you can hang out while the Vet takes care of your animals!
lot: 40x30
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1466387
ItemID: 1466387
Revision: 2
Filesize: 200 KB
E/P - Cats and Dogs, S/P - Bowling night stuff, G/P - Dine out
Code: bb.moveobjects on
- download
- unzip files
! All of the files in that archive must be placed in the Sims 4 Tray folder (My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray)
Hope you like it! :3
- Value: 179571
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: No CC used
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