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Created for: The Sims 4
Another long day..Pulled an all nighter...Going through everyday life..
Let me just lie down for a few minutes and..zzz
Introducing the Goodnight Animation Pack!
Believe it or not, Sims actually have it harder than we do. We wake them up out of their sleep just to do what we want them to. We will have them train for hours or even days at a time to master skills. Or sometimes, dare I say it, play with their death options. As harsh as that sounds, that's their reality. But at the end of the day, it almost seems worth it. After our Sims are done satisfying OUR needs, they could just pass out in their beds for as long as they need.
They could sleep soundly with their hands folded... Or they could sleep with half of their body hanging of the bed.
This pack will allow your sims to stretch out as far as they need to get a good nights rest.
Please be informed that your Sims will be sleeping so comfortably, they may drool.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1391230
ItemID: 1391230
Filesize: 110 KB
For proper function of pose(s)/Animation(s), you will need A Sims 4 Pose Player and a Sim Teleporter. You can find them in the link below. As well as instructions for it.
Pose Player: http://sims4studio.com/thread/2617/andrews-studio
Sim Teleporter: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=573162
*NOTE* Pose(s)/Animation(s) shown above are not permitted for Sims under the age of teen. Using a pose on a child Sim or younger will result in an unstable pose. Use with caution.
Please do not re-upload or edit.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.