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Created for: The Sims 4
Introducing Nature's Display Pose Pack!
What is shameful about the human body? Not a thing! I'm not saying go run around outside in nude or anything..Heh..that would make quite a few people uncomfortable. I'm comfortable with your body. The human form comes in every shape and size and they're ALL beautiful inside and out. Wear it proudly!
This pose pack consist of 5 different poses that will allow your Sims to express their confidence.
Short URL:
ItemID: 1387200
Filesize: 56 KB
For proper function of pose(s), you will need A Sims 4 Pose Player. You can find that in the link below. As well as instructions for it.
Pose Player:
*NOTE* Pose(s) shown above are not permitted for Sims under the age of teen. Using a pose on a child Sim or younger will result in an unstable pose. Use with caution.
Please do not re-upload or edit.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.