Maggie101's Blog
Caravan Shop Sims2 is now Sims Design Avenue
I've edited my recolors of Caravan Shop Sims2 meshes to point to the new site but in case I missed any of the individual items, the link to the new site is this: of the credits would still show Caravan Shop Sims2 though, as I only fixed the mesh link. Due to some RL issues, I really don't have much time at the moment to go through editing much of anything else so I hope this blog entry would at least clear up any confusion on credits to Caravan Shop Sims2 vs links to Sims Design Avenue. =)
NaNoWriMo Winner! So what now?
Whew! What an exhausting November! But yes, I did hit my 50K so I guess it can be done. You just need to have the discipline for it—which of course, I’m promptly throwing out now that NaNo is over for me. LOL.

If it's not one thing, it's another ... and 100,000 downloads!
~ Originally posted on Oct 24 ~OK so it’s official, the Legacy will remain on hiatus. And So You Want would go into hiatus as well. The TC63 Sanita will be finished and submitted as scheduled and if I have enough time before November kicks off, hopefully finish a request bedroom set as well that I’ve already started. What I’ve done this time is signed myself up for NaNo Writing. I’m not sure whether I could pull it off or not; I haven’t even planned for this. It just … well, sort of happened. I tend to drag my feet when it comes to writing because of plot points, details-details-details, and a gross amount of editing before I get very far, which of course usually means I don’t get very far before I get bogged down by it all. Hopefully, NaNo would give me a much-needed exercise so wish me luck in getting up to my 50,000 words!
And YAY!! on reaching 100,000 downloads! Thanks to everyone who has downloaded my creations. It wouldn't have been possible without you and knowing that a lot of you are enjoying them in your game (hopefully! LOL) definitely makes it all worthwhile!
Texture Challenge
Yes, the texture challenge has nabbed me again. A lot of new textures have been provided since I last did one and I always say I will go back to this TC or that TC and now the list just keeps piling up it is time to actually go and DO something. Which better to play than the latest textures—TC63 by Detimgi? The teal fabric originally caught my eye and I wanted to do a bathroom this time—which led me to Simtomatic’s Sanita bath. TC can be addicting and a lot of TC’ers can vouch for this. =) So now all the projects swimming in my head are clamoring to be done ASAP. LOL! This means, unfortunately, that no writing is getting done. There’s an update coming up for So You Want soon though. As for the Legacy … either I push back the return of the Hunters or I go back to sporadic updates. We’ll see. It’s been on hiatus long enough probably no one cares by now anyway. LOL. Well all talk and nothing to show doesn’t seem like much fun so here’s a preview of some items from the TC63 Aqua Sanita. And yes, I know it isn’t really teal. A Sanita in the teal texture is now a maybe project. The Aqua Sanita can probably be finished by next week and be submitted in time for a month-end publish date so watch out for it.
Stories ...
Here I have a shiny new minisite and blog … and it occurred to me that I don’t have anything for the “stories” section since I write stories in the forums and not as photo stories. I’ve always loved the idea of setting stories to music and since Photobucket has that new feature … I thought it’d be fun to make a photo video of my forum stories. The effect is not the same as an actual video, I know, but in between writing (and playing), recoloring and RL stuff, I just haven’t much time to actually shoot and edit a video for now—although I would like to one day. =)The photo video for the Legacy is here and the actual story is here: The Hunter Legacy.
So You Want To Be A Sim tells the story of a Sims player who wakes up one day and finds herself in the game. The photo video is here.
I have tried to tell a story with the photo videos in themselves but nothing that would serve as spoilers if you plan to read the stories. And if you have already read the stories, the videos are more of like a “walk along memory lane.”
Lastly, the Legacy would probably return with new updates sometime in late October since I’m working more on So You Want for now and another set of recolors. Watch this page for news on update status.