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MandySA3's Blog

I want to create but I can't:(

Hi Everyone. I loved creating for all of you and have been really encouraged by most of the comments but since changing my computer I had to reinstall Milkshape (the program I use for meshing new objects) and unfortunately neither I nor them have been able to find my license number which means I currently don't have the full version of Milkshape and so can't continue creating new objects. 

I do however plan on starting to work more with houses and perhaps take another look at recolouring objects but other than that I will be taking a break from new meshes for a while. I hope you enjoy the lots I do and any recolours I manage. For those who were waiting for more new meshes from me, I'm sorry but unfortunately you will just need to be very patient until I can afford a new Milkshape license. 

A New Project - My Next Sims 3 Lot

Well I haven't created a lot in a while as I've been too busy creating new objects, clothes, etc. I decided it was about time to create another house and so I am busy working on it...and working on it...and working on it. This house really is taking a long time to do the way I want and I am spending a lot longer than I would normally.

I have been inspired by the likes of drib_ydal here on TSR to really give this project my best shot and so it is taking a bit longer than usual. In the meantime I am still creating other items but you probably won't see as much from me over the next few days while I try and get this house perfect.

It is a mix of the old and the new in my opinion. The floor plan and exterior are generally very modern while some of the internal furnishings and decorations add a nostalgic air to the home. I have called the home 'A River Runs Through It'. Not at all based on the movie by that name but because a river literally does run through the house, or at least the yard. The ground floor of the home is broken into two due to the river with a nice deck from which your sim can fish and a bridge to walk over to reach the other side of the house.

The second floor forms a bridge over the river as well as being on either side of it and has huge windows to view the river from.

There is also a basement which is an aquarium room looking onto the fish in the river. This basement area is also a multi-purpose living area with a private reading corner, the main social area where the sofas face the aquarium window for viewing, and a kids corner with toys and furniture for the kids.

This home is also going to be packed with custom content - mostly my own but also plenty from other TSRAA creators as well.

Now to leave you in suspense, I will try to get some screenshots up soon.

Major Extraction Project - Rabbitholes uncovered

Well today I started on a massive extraction projects. I have gone through all the rabbithole meshes and pulled out anything that looked vaguely useful (and there is a lot!) With these new images I hope to do a few walls, doors, pictures and perhaps a few other objects. There is so much in those rabbitholes that would be useful for our sims homes but that we currently don't have. Although there are so many different options I think the project should go relatively quickly because many of the things are not difficult to recolour (especially given the fact that I already have the image from the rabbitholes). So look out for my extraction project items.

Strawberry Shortcake Bedroom set - coming soon

Sorry I haven't updated my blog for so long but I get so into making things that I don't end up with much time for updating but now I wanted to tell you about a new set I have just put together that is due out soon - the Strawberry Shortcake bedroom set.

Strawberry SHortcake Bedroom Set

This set was inspired by Anita Taylor's Strawberry Shortcake pictures and Ruth Marie (drib_ydal) encouraged me to go for it. The set consists of one bed with four variations, an end table, table lamp, wall lamp, round rug in four variations, dresser and two different sets of curtains.


I am still hoping to add more items to it, make the rugs recolourable and also make a number of other sets like this including Garfield, Victoria Plum and Pooh Bear and friends. Hope you like them.

I love the trenchcoat mesh - Sims 3 Clothing Creation

 Lately I have been getting hooked on the trenchcoat mesh as something to recolour and make a wide range of ladies clothes with. These are waiting in line to be published on TSR but I thought I would give you a glimpse of what's in store with this wonderful mesh and I plan to do a lot more.

The Trench coat separates

This is what I have termed the trenchcoat separates and they come in three recolours with the option to recolour the top, skirt and bow and collar. This was the first item I made from the trenchcoat mesh and it got me started.

Trenchcoat formal dress

The trenchcoat formal dress - forgive my amateur Gimp work around the edges but I love this dress! The cream and white ones are made from the silk brocade pattern and then the black one.

The Trench Suit

This is my latest creation - the trench suit. It could still do with a bit of work but I think generally the effect is very smart and so I wanted to share it. The skirt, jacket and top are all separately recolourable. In addition to these two recolours I have also included a purple recolour. A word of warning though - as I said, this could still do with some work and if you choose light colours then some of my mistakes will glare at you so don't blame me;) The darker colours are not that obvious and look good in-game.

Watch out for more Sims 3 clothing recolours in my trenchcoat series.

New Facebook Group and Page for the Sims 3

Hi Everyone

Well last night I started a new Facebook group and new Facebook page I wanted to let you know about and invite you to join if interested:

Sims 3 Custom Content Creators and Lot Designers (and those who cc) Group: This is the Facebook group I created for anyone who creates custom content, lots to share, or even just those who enjoy downloading. It is a place to showcase your work and you can link to your items here on TSR for people to download. (!/group.php?gid=141536045864434)

Simslot Designs: This is the page for my Sims 3 blog ( If you like my creations then please consider liking my fan page on Facebook ( I will also be sharing some of my cc on there and linking back to it on TSR.

If you add me as a friend on Facebook then please let me know you are from TSR.

New Sims Blog

Well I have been putting my blog address ( on my downloads for a while now but up until today it was just a 'hello World' blog:( Well eventually I did something about it and although it only contains the welcome post for now I do intend to update it regularly with information about what I am designing (similar to what I am doing here), tutorials, stories, etc.

I would like to invite you all to take a look (and keep looking). I have been making so many things recently and learning so miuch that I think as I actually get round to it there is going to be plenty to write on.

Clothing and More

Originally I thought that I would stick to creating houses for the sims but lately I have been learning so much about creating other objects and clothes and have been quite hooked by that too so on this blog and amongst my creations you will see not only houses and lots but also clothing and one or two other objects.

So far I have uploaded the following clothes:

The TSR sports jacket

Please let me know what you think of my clothes - I enjoy getting feedback so that it will help me improve my creations.


The Ultra Modern Family Home

To be honest most of my sims lots do seem to be more traditional or even historic homes but with this one I decided I wanted to do something different and so present to you my ultra-modern family home:

In this home I focussed on two principles - light and space. As you can see there are many floor to ceiling windows around most of the house to let in natural light and at night there is plenty of artificial lighting. The ground floor is open plan incorporating kitchen, dining and living areas in a flexible arrangement.

I am also really proud of the pool area out back and its magnificent landscaping:

I have uploaded this house to TSR and am currently just waiting for it to be published. Once it is I will include the link to it. Please feel free to comment.


Hi and Welcome to my TSR blog!

My name is Mandy (MandySA3) and I love the Sims! In particular I love building sims houses and creating custom content and since I will be uploading content to TSR now (which will hopefully be approved for everyone to share), I have decided to create this blog to share some of my creations with you.

I trust you enjoy this blog and the content I provide and please feel free to send me any feedback you may have and if you have a request I will do my best to help.

Latest Headlines

I want to create but I can't:( A New Project - My Next Sims 3 Lot Major Extraction Project -... Strawberry Shortcake Bedroom set... I love the trenchcoat mesh -... New Facebook Group and Page for... New Sims Blog Clothing and More The Ultra Modern Family Home Welcome!
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