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Mirraaj asks, ARE you MAD!?


Hi folks, 

This will be my last blog entry EVER, and potentially my last visit. 

I had planned to return earlier this year, however with education and now work it was never going to happen. Although, I've now realised there are no personalities in this site or even this community at large. Everybody wants to conform and make the same impact. Everybody is making modern furniture, but not even anything with character; it's all boxes and squares with the occassional "decorative curve! "ZOMG curves!!"

I miss the old days when you'd show up, view profiles and learn something about the people - it became apparent that I was not a conformist back in 2008 when I tished off the (i would say entire) community, however at least I gave something of a dynamic environment to an otherwise bland occurrence. 

As much as I thought his obsession with Britney Spears was unhealth, ChazDesigns was something of a character, you could identify his work just by viewing a thumbnail. It was unique. Same with Cashcraft (one of the last designers left with a personality).

I want to point out that not one peice of clothing on this website for your little simmies to dress in is at all dissimilar to anything else available. It is all designer Abercrombie and Fitch and Calvin Klein, and then even the stuff that isn't brand named is all made by 12 year old girls with no photoshop experience. The community is mad! I've thought it for a while, but in my chace to win the world's acceptance I lost my perspective. 

I even tried to leave Mirraaj.com and go to Hydroxide-Studio.com as a different person, but still, it was repulsive that the community worshipped people who were undeserving. I was told that I should make more, keep making, then that i should come back. I couldn't be bothered because there were people out there making things as bad quality as my own. Looking back, before I had my large IT experience, my creations were crap, and to be honest, it was a gateway for me into developing my own online business (WHICH i will not tell you as I don't want to be followed). 

The community, at large, worships those that don't deserve it.

SO! In an attempt to try and win back some love, I have compiled a list of artists you SHOULD "worship" and then a list of those you SHOULDN'T!

* all these artists are ACTIVE in TSR *


alex_stanton1983; although everything is photo UNrealistic, it's unique, he has his own identity, it's respectable

AnoeskaB; somebody who started around the same time and I watched grow into a phenominal artist; one who outpaced me by miles

Cashcraft; unique; only person to do this style (who should bother trying)

Cyclonesue; whilst completely useless (99% of the time), at least she does what she wants

DOT; if I have to see one more lamp I will scream, but they are amazing

Harmonia09; she does the clothes thing I mentioned, but at least she does it well

hatshepsut; has a personality of her own

Nia; worked for me and my site (for about 2 weeks before being poached) she's a gem

sim_man123; the most Maxis looking objects ever, although completely boring anyway

Vanilla Sim; she's a person, she has a background story, and amazing products.


SHOULDN'T // these are not personal attacks! just comments about your products! I'm sure you're all lovely people.

agapi_r; clothing... need i say more?

autaki; whats the use of pointless enormous buildings?

ayyuff; everything is starting to look the same, mix it up!

murano; you are amazing at what you do, my INSPIRATION to start working on here; but I will not wait on the edge of my seat for 6 months waiting for you to bring out a vase!


Thank you all for listening to my rant!! 


sinful_aussie ∙ Aug 18, 2011

I get that, maybe this "It is all designer Abercrombie and Fitch and Calvin Klein, and then even the stuff that isn't brand named is all made by 12 year old girls with no photoshop experience" is what rubbed me the wrong way lol I'm not 12 and i know my stuff can be improved over time. I like to share what i make because i like to know what others think of it. I'm sure it wouldn't be up to your standards but then you may just be talking about pay stuff. Sorry had my own mini rant there...

Mirraaj ∙ Aug 18, 2011

@sinful_aussie, people are free to do as they wish and think what they want to; it's simple what I'm doing - I just got tired of crap being shovelled down my throat and needing to pay for it. Just adding an extra voice to the trending belief.

sinful_aussie ∙ Aug 17, 2011

At the end of the day people are free to 'worship' whoever they please. No one makes you download from people you don't deem good enough and to be upset that others like their creations is just silly (or sour grapes?).

apoetscorner ∙ Aug 16, 2011

Sorry, you feel that way\:\( , but I completely understand your frustration. I am upset with TSR's new policy guidlines and in a way, I desire to quit too if changes are not made to my satisfaction. People on TSR at times can inspire upset feelings, but I suppose that no matter where one is there are always people that will behave in an a manner that is completely distasteful. If you plan on creating your own website, I commend you\:\) and I am happy that at least you will not give up creating wonder houses\:D . I appreciate you \:wub\: and I cannot even imagine all the hours you have devoted to your lots. You share your lots for free, and that demonstrates your wonderful giving nature\:wub\: . I am sure that you will be missed\:\( and leaving TSR without a link to your new website will make the feeling worse. If this is goodbye, then thank you for sharing your magificient creations. I wish that life will give you all that you deserve, whitch is surely wealth and happiness beyond your imagination. Love, Marilyn

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