Moza's Blog
New Home
It's sad when things come to an end, but endings lead to new beginnnings.
I an no longer modding on the TSR forums, although I may pop on every so often.
I can now be found, along with a few other familiar faces, over on Platinum Simmers -
Come pay us a visit!
Fancy visiting Strangetown?
One of the things I missed most when I went over to Sims 3 was the characters from Sims 2. Oh, some of them were about, but a big group of desert-living friends had vanished.
So, with a little bit of help from my friends - sww and Blackgarden, we've recreated Strangetown, along with Simsville from TS1. You can find a small taster on here, and for the full world, you can visit
Sims Families
For anyone who's ever wanted to replay any of the Maxis sims, without reloading the whole hood... or just wants to mix a few of them up in the same hood... TSR now bring you cleaned up packages of the Maxis families. No extra character files tagging along, just the files needed for that family.I haven't packaged up the bin families, as the regenerate for each new hood, unless you have a clean template installed.
The only other ones missing are the Apartment Life families, as you can't package them in the apartments!
They can be found here, and are free to download.
On holiday!
If anyone wonders why I've gone quiet over the next couple of weeks, it because my partner and I are off on a well deserved holiday.We're staying over at Manchester airport tonight, then fly out to New York tomorrow morning, for almost two weeks!
I'm so excited! New York is somewhere I've always wanted to visit, and there's so much I want to do there that I'll be lucky to fit even half of it in. Oh and shopping!
See you all soon!
I've just spent the past few days testing not one, but two challenges for you. The Double Trouble Challenges are two challenges played from one lot. Can you guide both brothers through their different paths in life, while keeping them close?The Sims Life Stories
I used some vouchers to pick this up as a (very!) late Christmas present! If any one's interested, we have a new forum HERE to discuss the newest Sims game. Anyway, I've been on the look out for some compact community lots for my Challenges hood, and I really like some of the new ones here... So I got busy! The first two recreations, which are being submitted tonight, are Old Grove Park and Starlight Cafe and Market. Both have been built as closely as possible, given the difference in content in the two games. I have tweaked the Starlight lot, to make it a one-stop shop, including clothing, however! There's a few others I might work my way round as well! Any requests?! Old Grove Park is a charming community park, ideal for visiting with the family, or for a romantic afternoon stroll.

Pyjama Time
A couple of friends on another board were discussing buying new pyjamas, and posted pics of what they were ordering... and I love the baggy pj mesh from parsimonious! Easter duckies/chicks on one pair, and a slogan on the other.
I also dug into my folders and found a skirt and halter top I made from a texture created by the wonderful Simderz, and a dress and jacket. I can't remember where I got the texture for them.
New Stuff
I'm finally getting round to sorting through my saved sims folder to see what I've actually made.Watch this space for some clothing and earrings coming soon.