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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Horizon View is large, luxury house furnished in modern and minimalist style. Both out and inside design is dominated by black and white colors with strong purple accents. The house is perfect for a big family.
Horizon View is furnished, landscaped, tested and ready to play.
Room list:
- basement: gym, bathroom (bathtub and shower), sauna
- ground floor: living room with open kitchen and dining, bathroom (bathtub and shower), guest bedroom, kids bedroom, toilet, entertaining corner, terrace with grill, pool, garden with plant pots
- 2nd floor: master bedroom with entertaining corner, bathroom (bathtub and shower), office
CC used (please see creators notes for more info)
Originally the house was built in Oasis Springs on Rio Verde lot.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1330921
ItemID: 1330921
Filesize: 255 KB
Created with The Sims 4, Go to Work expansion, and Spa Day.
You must have last game patch to play this house.
To install this house into your game:
- download the house
- unzip files
- copy all 8 files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- I use 'Moveobjects on' code, so be sure you install the lot properly. Do not load the lot directly from the Gallery into your neighborhood while you are in Manage Worlds (map view), because the MOOd objects can disappear. In order for the MOO to transfer, you must place the lot from Build Mode. This means go into the location you wish to place the lot first, then place the lot (either from your library or the Gallery directly).
If you don't see the house in Gallery, please follow these instructions:
LINK: If lot didn't appear in your game
Please do not re-upload, modify or claim as your own.
Download the following CC to Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods (all CC must be installed before your place the house).
Color Living Pillow (Left): *Download*
Window SF Seamless Left 1x1: *Download*
Window SF Seamless Middle 1x1: *Download*
Window SF Seamless Right 1x1: *Download*
Thanks to all TSR artists!
Credits: Ung999, Mutske
- Value: 303105
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 4
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 40x30
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