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Nanamouskoury's Guestbook

chardonnayonedgeJan 19, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and the lovely comment you left. I am glad you liked it.

CharlotteKellyJan 18, 2007

awwww thanks Nana \:wub\:

StoryGirlJan 18, 2007

Thanks. I made a dorm, but due to not having any new graduates, I haven't tried it out yet. I do have someone in the dorm you made and it works great.

TigerblueJan 18, 2007

Hey Nana \:D I just wanted to send a big thanks for the great comment on the Storybook Bakery. \:\) It was lovely to find it - I've got a whole series of Storybook lots planned and wasn't sure how people would like them, so it's lovely to get such great feedback from you. \:wub\: I am intrigued to know what that project you mention on your hmepage is... I keep guessing and look forward to seeing its fruition! Bye for now, Tiger \:\)

Dark DelightJan 17, 2007

Yay for more honey stores! \:wub\:

manuela55Jan 17, 2007

Thanks for taking the time for your comment on my screenshots the set you get on this site

LadyMinionJan 16, 2007

Hiya Nana. \:\) Lovely of you to stop by and say hello and I'm so pleased you like the vampire signs. \:D Take care and speak soon! ~Becky

chardonnayonedgeJan 16, 2007

Thank you for commenting on my story. It's an idea that has been floating around for like 6 months. Yes, more is coming. But I wanted to start with this incase it was too controversial.\:wub\:

*Louisa*Jan 16, 2007

Hi. Thanks for your comment on my Lady of Shalott story. I love the poem too, as you can probably guess, so enjoyed putting it together. Best wishes.

heybossJan 14, 2007

Hi Nana ! \:\) Thanks for signing my guestbook! Happy simming \;\)

hesmylobster2Jan 11, 2007

I really did appriciate the tutorial. I have made dorms before but I havent built in a while so I like to freshen up and read some good tutorials..yours was great! It actually inspired me to build a dorm so I'll be uploading one soon...thanks\:wub\:

weirdfaerieJan 11, 2007

Good morning to you \:D Your lovely pusscat sounds like another of my cats, Tabitha. She is the Mummy of all my other cats. Shes about 11 now bless her. She is always so regal and mature behaving! She rarely ever plays with lights or shadows but she does become very kitten like sometimes and starts playing with straws or toy mouses. She is usually very quiet and peaceful, but she has a habit of being very crazy and running all around the house, chasing the other cats and pouncing on them!! She can be rather vicious though. She hisses and growls a lot but is such a sweetie... Aren't cats very good at getting in the way? They love to have complete attention on them! Anyway, Take care and give a stroke to your baby from me \:D

preemptive_doodleJan 10, 2007

Oh, you're welcome. I had attempted to make a dorm but then I made it too big and it wasn't functional. Your tutorial taught me to make it functional and the right size. ^^

insane151617Jan 10, 2007

you're welcome \:\) I always forgot something in my dorms, that won't happen again now \;\)

weirdfaerieJan 10, 2007

The same sort of thing happened with my girlie cat. She was born seven years ago (I've had her since she was a tiny little thing!!! So cute!) and I named her Mew. I was reading a book at the time with a cat called Mew in. But, it turned out that our Mew never made any noise at all! And in time her name sort of got forgotten because I always called her Princess or Flower. Now shes grown so old she has started to yowl her head off and we can't shut her up! Especially if there is tunafish about \:D \:D \:D So the name Mew has sorta got picked up again. I love cats \:wub\: TIFA

weirdfaerieJan 10, 2007

Your cat looks a lot like my own beautiful puddycat, Socks! 'Cept he is a boy and has a blue collar \:D he is also gigantic \:eek\: What is your lovely girls name? I want a pink collar \:confused\:!!! Tifa

stevnath1Jan 10, 2007

thank you for all your hard work.donna

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Oh and I looove the cat on your avatar!! So cute!!! I like his collar yay!

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

I can't believe I hadn't found out about the stove before now as I am part of so many sites! thank you for saving my simmies hehehe! I hope you do more tutorials in the future!! And thank you for my GB entry \:D Tifa

dallasindcJan 9, 2007

no prob. i'm just surprised a lot of people didn't know about that stove. btw, thanks for signing my guestbook.\:D

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