Nokomys's Blog
Stopping by...
I've had so many computer problems... basically, my computer is REALLY old and I am EXTREMELY good at killing technology. I joke that this is why I married a computer tech.I need to upgrade pretty much everything.
I lost the program(s) I used to create Sims 2 stuff.
I'm in a financial Titanic and will not be able to change any of this any time soon.
I HOPE (crosses fingers, toes, eyes, etc.) that I will be able to come back and create again someday.
I love you all and I appreciate EVERYTHING. This is a great community- keep it together and don't sweat the small stuff!
Computer problem fixed thanks to my ingenious hubby who actually understands what all those files mean! And a friend of mine! Love to my peoples!I can now play AND create again!

Computer Problem
Oy! If it isn't one thing it's another! I sat down last night for the first time in a week to play TS2 and it wouldn't load. Apparently some important Windows file(s) is/are "Deleted or Misplaced". So, certain things are no longer working. No, I don't know how this happened.Such is life- right?
My hubby (the computer tech) has promised to look at it when he has some serious time to really get into it. **sighs heavily**
I had been hoping to make some new stuff- but now I can't even PLAY!
Real Life
My Real Life is kind of a mess right now. I don't feel very creative and now I have to find a new job. I loved my job but I had to quit. It's a long story...I'll be back creating once I'm over these Blahs. Wish me luck on my job hunt! **HUGS EVERYBODY**
New FREE Stuff
I have some new recolors of Louis' Long Silky Hair for men at Wicked Sims. You can also download the sims I use as models there and other items of mine that are not here at TSR. You will also find a lot of items by other very talented artists over there and it's ALL FREE! Yes, even the meshes!All you have to do is log in and voila! Cool free stuff!
I'm a bit stumped right now as to what to do next for TSR. If you have any suggestions/requests please feel free to PM me with them.I'm in a bit of a slump just now...
When the new rating system went into effect I was really sad that I lost my cute little Gold Cup award. Today, I logged in and noticed I have a Bronze Cup and ya know it didn't really mean that much to me. You'd think I'd be thrilled. But really, what I can't wait to do when I sign in is go reply to the comments I get from other members who have downloaded my stuff. Even if someone gives me negative feedback at least I know!Honestly, how much can that cup really mean? It means people have downloaded a lot of my stuff. Okay great, but so what? That certainly doesn't mean they liked it once they played it. LOL!
So, if you like it- tell me!
If you hate it- tell me!
Inquiring minds want to know!
Thank- You
I want to take this time to say thank-you to all the people who rated my items under the old system. You folks gave me a lot to be proud of and I appreciate that very much.I check the ratings and comments on each item every day so I know what you enjoy and it gives me an idea of what I need to improve, what to make more of, etc.
I don't know how this new system is going to work out really. Maybe I'll warm up to it over time... maybe not. I'm feeling a bit upset, hurt and angry with TSR right now.
Ultimately what matters is that YOU like what I make.
So, thank- you to all who have rated my items in the past and those who will in the future. **HUGS**
Armand Hair For Men
Today I have submitted six recolors of the Armand hair mesh by HIM666 at Wicked Sims. It's a gorgeous men's hair! Hopefully, it will be available for your enjoyment in a few days. :)I can only assume that it was named such after the Anne Rice character of same name. You can also download a whole sim named Armand that the hair goes with if you are so inclined.
The wonderful Jessica over at Wicked Sims has offered me a Featured Artist spot there! You can visit me under Nokomys' Insomniac Paradise. I will be making some recolors/ items exclusively for Wicked Sims. This will also give me some extra freedom as to what I can work with as that site is totally free- so expect to see things there that you won't see
Don't worry... I'll still be making some stuff for here. :)