Nygirl08 (2231840)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (61 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

NyGirl_Strapped Bandeau
Published Feb 25, 2012
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm absolutely a die hard Sims fan all the way back to the very beginning. I love to build and decorate homes and I do a little CC on the side every now and then. I pour my heart and soul into all my creations, and am extremely happy when others enjoy them as much as i do!
While I create here at TSR I also upload to the official sims 3 site and now have a facebook page which can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001564969096&v=wall, I will be posting updates on that site regularly, so if you would like to friend me to keep up with my work feel free!
Happy Simming all!
My Latest Updates Show All
After Dark ReadersWritten Dec 07, 2010
Due to the hectic holiday season and trouble with screenshots I can't seem to find any longer on my computer (might have accidentally deleted them) I can't continue the story here. I have written up to chapter 17 on the offical sims 3 site, you can find and read all the chapters from my story forum HERE Or from my sims 3 page HERE I apologize that I can't continue it here... ...More
Chapter 2 of "After Dark" seems to be missing.Written Nov 08, 2010
Well I had put together and submitted chapter 2 of my story After Dark and it seems as if chapter 3 was approved but chapter 2 hasn't I'm not sure what happened but I decided to delete it and resubmit it and hopefully that will help, I have been having some troubles with the website lately so maybe its just a glitch, so I am putting it together and submitting it as we speak hopefully it will... ...More
New story on the horizon!Written Nov 04, 2010
I have been working diligently on a new story but wasn't sure about how people would respond so I posted it over on the offical sims 3 site, I know that alot of people don't read stories over there with all the swamping of crazy storyboards, but it has gone pretty well over there so far, and I got a generally great response with my previous story, so I am going to post it here as well. I will... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
taxa08Apr 02, 2012
fabrizioammolloDec 28, 2011
Hello! Wishing you a very happy 2012! F.
D3VVDec 24, 2011
While drinking hot chocolate all the time,
Writing this hearty Christmas rhyme,
With my best wishes and heartfelt good cheer; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :wub