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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a cabinet filled with curiosities. Although your sims may not be able to get something out of the cabinet, they can view all of the oddities inside from the many bottles, the bird, the fish to the strange thingys inside the jars filled with liquid.
So, your sim slaps the mural onto the wall.
Sim says, "That was easy."
You say, "Sure was with a click of a button!"
Sim looks around really crazy....
It's as easy as pie to use the new updated version of the murals. Your sims will be so happy with the realistic look. They will stare and wonder for years. "How did they do it?" You will just be happy that it took up space on the wall, free download, and didn't take up too much file storage. They will be happy because hey...they're sims.
Just keep simming!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1405328
ItemID: 1405328
Revision: 3
Filesize: 3 MB
No requirements necessary for this item to work just need a wall for it to be glued to. The object is game based.
Do put in a lot for use. Take a photo of object being used in you lot and send to me so I can see how it is being used. I would really love to view it.
**Do not re-upload, claim as your own, re-texture, and/or re-color the object.
Do not ask to do anything else with the object. The answer will always be no.**
***Would like to thank
Sims4Studio for their creators and the studio http://sims4studio.com
BakieGaming for his awesomenessess tutorials The one I used was How to Make Seamless Murals found here http://sims4studio.com/thread/901
Rebel Walls They provided the image. I downloaded it. At their website, you will find they do not have creators names. This is because most of their clients are the ones submitting the images. They are posted the work they have done, or will do; therefore, I can not give full credit to Rebel Walls...their clients receive the credit as well. More murals will come shortly from this website. I have thousands more to do and a lot from this website and one other. Here is their website http://www.rebelwall.com
You can visit my creator page for new creations here: http://sims4studio.com/thread/12250/auras-pillows-more-queen-elizabeth
My website here: https://aurabeck74108.wixsite.com/auraspillowsandmore
Credits: Sims4Studio, BakieGaming, Rebel Walls
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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