RainSparkle (2022931)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Trendy floral dress
Published Apr 25, 2010
About Me
Hey, everyone!
Yes, I create stuff for Sims 3 and I'm lovin' it (: I'm an art lover. I don't just love art... I adore it. ART = LIFE. I adore eveything about it. Graphic & fashion design, photography, styling, drawing, music... When I'm doing these things, I'm happy and I don't want to lose that feeling!
Feel free to check out my creations and enjoy them as much as me when creating them!
* ~ S P A R K L E ~ *
My Latest Updates Show All
Comming in June 2010...Written Mar 28, 2010
Hello everyone! In my previous blog I mentioned about working on my new project - celebrity sims. I am sorry I have not got any time to make them, but I promise you I will start making them before the end of June , when I won't have alot of schoolwork to attend. I'm gonna make House m.d., Tyra Banks, Twilight and others. I will consider some of your own requests... ...More
... Proud to be a Select Artist!Written Aug 18, 2009
Hey, everyone! I just became a Select Artist for Sims 3 & the feeling's great! Thanks to CarpeDiem for even deeper help. It's nice to see how my work paid off. But you haven't seen nothing yet! :D Keep your eyes on my creations...you won't regret it! ~~~ Rain Sparkle ~~~ ...More
My next projects!Written Aug 16, 2009
Hey, everyone! I must say I'm very glad alot of people enjoy my creations. I'll keep making more, I promise, as soon as my computer get fixed. Maybe some of you have been wondering what are my next projects. Well, I just uploaded my first makeup to TSR - Lipgloss (with teeth! :D) for your sims in sims 3. I decided I'm going to make famous-people-look-a-like sims. You can comment your... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsOct 04, 2010
i love your creations! keep up the great work!
AngelaNov 19, 2009
hi, thank you for your comment
LonelyPinkSockNov 05, 2009
Your creations are amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to create and share them with everyone.
P.S. Congrats on your becoming an SA! It's well deserved.