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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
My first female skin for The Sims 4!
Almost every part of this skin is 'hand'-drawn and a few parts derived from a bunch of photographs.
The dark skin version comes in 2 different colours at opacity levels of 100%, 90% and 80% each. It has a custom thumbnail and is located under skindetail category.
There is a light, a fantasy coloured and a male version aswell, just check my profile :D
Please do NOT copy or modify the skin or parts of it without asking me first!
~This skin is anatomically correct
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1335536
ItemID: 1335536
Revision: 4
Filesize: 13 MB
meet me on tumblr: http://remussims.tumblr.com
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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