Saphyrwren's Blog
Not exactly what I saw . . .
I finished a set of walls based on what I had seen on TV last week. Its not exactly what I saw, but it was inspired by it. I hope you like them!
I like doing walls and floors and I like doing meshes, but I am not really very good at making new textures for clothing. Its the shading that kills me every time! I am quite critical about that and very hard on myself. I've never created any objects yet . . . (starting tutorial search!)
I hope that I will be able to create items for Sims 3 when it comes out. I can't wait for it to come out!
See you around!
Different project . . . lots of frustration!
I was watching TV the other day and saw these walls that I just loved! I am trying to recreate them for the game. I was working on it all day yesterday, and lost all of the files I had saved. I have no idea where the files went.
Needless to say, I was a bit frustrated, but I am back to working on these walls. Hopefully, it won't take too much longer to get back what was lost. Then I can share it with all of you!
So, it is back to work for me!
See ya!
New mesh completed and submitted
Well, I finally finished the wrap sweater mesh and recolors that I was working on last week, and they have been submitted up to TSR.
I was, also, going to make a wrap sweater with a skirt, but there were some problems with the mesh. If people like the wrap sweater with pants outfit, I'll go back and fix the skirt version.
I'm going to take a break from meshing and work on some basic recolors on Maxis meshes.
Let the countdown begin . . . 17 days until Spring!
See ya!,
More to come
Thank you everyone for the great response to my first upload. I hope you all enjoy the next one which will be released tomorrow. It is a style for the younger crowd.
I am working on a business casual wrap sweater outfit this week. Hopefully it will be ready to upload soon. I need to test it out a bit first.
See ya!