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ScoobySnax's Blog

Been working on a little something!

The start of this month has been mad busy, lots going on at work and at home... shortly, I shall be decorating for real, rather than just virtually. My university course starts in October, so a busy busy year ahead for me.

I have been working on a new lot to share, though the process has been painfully slow. It's an inspired house that takes attributes from buddhist temples and Indonesian stilt houses to create a truly wonderful home.

My latest peice is called Chibalba. Okay! so I know this is the Mayan name for "the underworld" but please don't reflect too much on the meaning; I just think it's a lovely sounding word. Chibalba - pronounced She-bal-ba.


Anyway I hope that it gets accepted and uploaded to share with you guys here in the TSR Community, I like to give a little something back. However if it doesn't you can always find it here (my personal blog) if you're interested in downloading.

Thanks for reading


x x x

Getting Back into the Swing of Things!

It's been a while since I have done anything Sims related :(

Oh What a Diva!!!Although I have had Sims 3 since it was released I haven't had the time to do much with it; a new job since my last post keeps me busier than work ever used to and I made the fatal mistake of switching from a PC and large monitor to a Laptop, making it nigh on impossible to produce anything and causing me no end of frustration to even just play the game.

But I now I have a brand new uber computer and have installed my game with a sweet little solid state drive making it super quick to load, bringing back the enjoyment I once felt with Sims 2.

Just like Samson, when his hair was cut by Deliah, the happiness he felt as his strength began to return when his lovely locks started to re-grow, I too feel delighted that my creative energies are returning.

I am brimming with ideas and new stories and although I never finished "Stupid Cupid" I may just return to it in the near future, if I can re-create the sets.

For now I am going to upload a picture of a tribute Sim that I am currently playing, Jessica. Obviously she's inspired a little bit by Jessica Rabbit, from the the film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (terrible film btw) and a little bit of one of the most beautiful women to grace the earth Rita Hayworth.

It's good to be back!!



Next Episode of Stupid Cupid - End of Jan

I'm in the process of writing the next episode of "Stupid Cupid"; all things willing, it should be out by the end of this month... a lot of work to do, I've got to build Kingsport Police Dept. from scratch and god only knows where Laura LaValle has dis-appeared to, seems to be a gremlin still living in my game, but I'll flush him out, have no fear!

Mini Site - Woo Yay

I got me a mini site and I'm very excited... Now I can thank all you lovely people properly for reading my story "Stupid Cupid". THANK YOU

I did a bit of a boo boo this time when uploading 13, I deleted chapter 12 :( sorry about that folks, theres no way to get it back, and apologies for the big thumbnails too, I must have been on a different planet when I did that!

The chapter was a long time coming, I know, and there wasn't a lot of it to be honest, I didn't mean to scrimp, but I kept promising and promising to upload the next chapter, so I put what I had completed up.

The next one will be longer I promise, because I don't know about you but I want to see what the future has in store for Maggie and Nick... suggestions welcome, who knows if I like it I may incorporate it into the story.

Thats what I originally intended for this story line, establish an outline for a plot and the key characters then let the readers decide on their fate.

Well happy reading and if you have stories dont be shy in letting me know because I love to read them and rate them... You're all super cool.

Lotsa Luv n Stuff

ScoobySnax .x.x.x.

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Been working on a little something! Getting Back into the Swing of... Next Episode of Stupid Cupid -... Mini Site - Woo Yay
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