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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 15 Creations - Click here to show all
Since Sims1 we have troubles to place the easel in a common area. We usually place our poor painter outside, far away from home or, when sims3 arrived, in the basement :P When our painter earned money enough we built an atelier, but before this, our sim painter was always so alone...
This set was made with the purpose to make the easel be part of the room with beauty :) So, now our painters will be able to paint with their family and friends around :)
We thought we achieved the goal. So, that's the spirit!
by SIMcredibledesigns.com
available at TSR
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1298321
ItemID: 1298321
Revision: 3 (updated Nov 20, 2017)
*You can recolor our meshes but please do not include the mesh and give us a visible direct link back to the proper mesh page. Thank you!
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
- Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop

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