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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
With its bright colors, its typically atomic retro cats and its exposed stones, Chloe's villa is a mix. This is a house that in some ways may seem retro futuristic while still having a 70s feel.
I hope you like it.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1530839
ItemID: 1530839
Revision: 2
Filesize: 253 KB
Please make sure to enter the code bb.moveobjects before you install this lot.
Except from My First Pet stuff, I have all extension and stuff packs installed on my computer.
13 Packs used in this creation:
Expansion Packs:
- Island Living
- Eco Living
- Snowy Escape
- Get Famous
- Discover University
- Cats and dogs
- Get to work
Game Pack: :
- Dine out
- Spa Day
Stuff Pack:
- Perfect patio
- Tiny Living
- Fitness
- Paranormal
To install this house into your game:
1. Download the house
2. Unzip files
3. Copy house files and paste them loosely ( without subfolders ) into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
4. All CC-objects from Required Tab go to the Mods folder.
Credits: Many thanks to all TSR artists whose splendid creations I used in this villa.
- Value: 156878
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- kardofe_Living room Odin_LivingChair
- kardofe_Living room Odin_CoffeeTable
- kardofe_Atlanta Room_ Vases
- kardofe_Arossa Study_Diary
- Retro ReBOOT_kardofe_Mid-century kitchen_Toaster
- Retro ReBOOT_kardofe_Mid-century kitchen_Flour
- kardofe_Mikonos Room_Cushions on the floor
- kardofe_Berlin Room_CoffeeTable
- kardofe_Living room Odin_Sofa
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Door Glass 1x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Counter 3x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Privat 2x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Arch 3x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Counter 1x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Counter Side
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Arch 2x1
- RetroReBOOT Thindows AddOn Counter 2x1
- Chloe's Standing Paintings
- Art Deco Paintings
- Chloe's Retro Travel Posters
- Wall Art for Retro Kitchen [Mesh required]
- Chloe's Sitting Room [Meshes required]
- Chloe's Bedroom Deco Set [Meshes required]
- Vintage Terracotta Tiles
- Vintage Terracotta Floors
- Vintage Cushion [Mesh Required]
- Atomic Retro Cushion [Mesh Required]
- Atomic Retro Rug [Mesh Required]
- [Construction set II] - column v1 TW
- [Construction set II] - column v3 TW
- [Construction set] - ceiling beam 3cell
- [Construction set] - ceiling beam 2cell
- [Construction set] - ceiling beam 4cell
- [Monica hallway] - window 2x4
- [Cleo livingroom] - corner fireplace
- [Sandra diningroom] - wall art
- [Sandra diningroom] - wall mirror
- [Sandra diningroom] - tablecloth short
- [Milana decor] candle
- [Milana decor] wicker suitcase
- [Althea diningroom] - dining chair
- [Chloe bedroom] - console table
- [ScandiKitchenware] - 2 cutting boards with horns
- [Chloe bedroom] - double bed
- [Chloe bedroom] - end table
- [Chloe bedroom] - couch
- [Chloe bedroom] - table lamp
- [Chloe bedroom] - vase with spikelets
- [Chloe bedroom] - table mirror
- [Mid-century] Wall clock v09
- Wall mirror Waterfall
- [Vesta livingroom] - loveseat
- [Chloe bedroom] - table poster
- [Construction set] - column v3 MW
- [Construction set] - column v1 SW
- [Construction set] - column v3 SW
- [Sandra diningroom] - dining chair
- Summer Breeze - Plant
- Kitchen Anukoi - Plant
- Living Capri - Ceiling Lamp
- Bedroom Yodern - Plant
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Pillows
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Tea Pot
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Bread Basket
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Bread Box
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Ceramic Canister
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Honey Pot
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Cup v1
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Towel
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Oven Glove
- Retro ReBOOT - Kitchen Enya Shelf