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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a Set with 19 Creations - Click here to show all
Livingroom inspired by Clive Christian. Esp. the Polstery and Bartable. Other designs are included like the Side- and Coffeetable and so...
- Seating in 4 Colors: Livingchair, Loveseat, 3 Seater and 5 Seater
for the 5 Seater I give a big thank you to Kris and Andrea for helping with the Tuningfile
- Pillow and Blanket (4 Colors each) Pillow in Clutter, Blanket in Sculpturs
- Bartable in 3 Versions (can be found in Sinks)
- TV Table in 2 Colors (can be found in Endtables) The black Coloroption was missing: Fixed on Nov. 27 2016
- Fireplace in 2 Colors
- Coffeetable
- Sidetable (3 Colors)
- 2 Paintings matching Fireplace Colors (4 Painting Variantions)
- Painting Sophia Stone (5 Painting Variations
- Floor and Tablelamp (4 Colors)
- Decoobjects for Bar
Best is to use bb.moveobjects on and ALT to place the Parts of the Wall.
all objects are Basegame
pls make sure that your Game is fully updated, otherwise objects may not show in your Game
Room added as Dropbox file in Notes
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1354041
ItemID: 1354041
Revision: 2 (updated Nov 20, 2017)
Tray for the Room
The TVtable was missing the black Coloroption - this is fixed on Nov. 27 2016
Credits: Sim_man, Buffsum, SimGuru,
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
- Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop

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