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Created for: The Sims 4
Every little girl dreams of having her first piece of real big girl jewelry, just like Mommy and Grandma. Here is a lovely Sims 4 child's cameo necklace for little girls. It is very reminiscent of the elegant necklaces handed down from Grandmothers to Mothers to Daughters. What better way to celebrate your little Sim girls growing up than by giving her this beautiful necklace.
A Historical note... The first cameos appeared in Ancient Greece around 6 BC. At first they depicted the profile portraits of Emperors and Rulers as well of Roman Gods and Goddesses, carved from shells or marble. As time went on people of wealth and status began commissioning cameo pendants of themselves. The cameo reached the height of its popularity during the Victorian Era when Cameo pins also became popular. It was then that a common portrait for the Cameo appeared, that of the Ideal Woman. Many a Gentleman would present their loved Lady with such a cameo, expressing that she is his ideal. Today the cameo is as popular as ever, and cameo pendants now depict all kinds of images, including those of ones child or a beloved pet.
This necklace is a recolor of the Sims 4 girl child's tear drop necklace found in the Sims 4 Base Game. It was recolored using The Sims 4 Studio and Paint.net
It is my first attempt at creating jewelry for the Sims 4. I really hope you like it. I invite you to let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1265264
ItemID: 1265264
Filesize: 21 KB
Please do not upload to any other site or claim as your own, Thank you!
Credits: The Sims 4 Studio, Paint.net, Wikipedia and all the great TSR creators who inspire me.
- Recolor or New: Recolor
- Recoloring Allowed: No
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