TearsRain (2141194)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (494 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Texture Challenge 123 Under The...
Published Jan 23, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Happy New Year 2009 already. Well I have been playing The Sims and The Sims 2 since 2005. I fell in love with the Sims 1. My favorite was the building and decorating. And then there was 2 It was like my life and I haven't stopped since. I have learned a lot in the last year and a half through the tutorials here on TSR and have enjoyed recoloring objects the most out of everything I have learned it tends to be a stress reliever.Thanks to the wonderful Texture challenges in the forum section of TSR. I am also a painter/Graphics artist and Photography amateur. So I spend a lot of time in just the creative realm. I hope you enjoy my recolors as much as I love to make them! .... Happy Simming, Wub
My Latest Updates Show All
Almost Home!Written Feb 14, 2009
Hello everyone I am almost home! Leaving Alaska tommorrow and I will be able to Sim again. Boogie Woogie said it best in her comment on my last post..."I am going through withdrawls!" I miss the simmies so much...So I will be able to upload soon as I get off this terrible wireless slow connection! I miss my desk top! Any way just an update Happy Valentines Day!!!! Happy Simming! ...More
MovingWritten Feb 04, 2009
I am moving so I am unable to do much with the computer in the next few weeks. I already miss TSR.:( I will be back with a vengeance at the end of the month so I hope you all have patience and please check back in with me here soon for new designs and recolors! Happy Simming! Much Love Anna ...More
The New YearWritten Jan 03, 2009
Well it is now 2009! Yay! And I have lots of plans for the Sims 2 recolors and maybe a story or two. I really am interested in you opinions! Please if you have any ideas as to what you want to see for downloads or specific objects you want recolored PM me and I will try to get it out ASAP. I appreciate the downloads and I hope that your new years is going great! :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Snoopy21979Feb 15, 2012
Your downloads look absolutely terrific!! I can't wait to use them in my game! I'm so looking forward to trying them out. Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful downloads in the future. Happy Valentine's Day!!
--(AdAMeK)--Dec 30, 2008
AlyoshaDec 27, 2008
Hey there! Before everything else, A Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family! And also, a Happy New Year! I just dropped by to thank you for the lovely comments that you left for my creations! It means a lot to me because it inspires me to keep on creating! Hope you like my upcoming stuff too! Thanks again! ~Alyosha