TheMistress666's Blog
Wow.. I mean I really am! after discovering that the pharmacy was potentially trying to kill me off altogether by prescribing me 3 TIMES the correct dosage of my new "Pain Killers" which happen to be Tablets that Epilepsy sufferers use to prevent the fitting... I was confused at this too, but apparently they have been used duccessfully for people with Diabetic Neuralgia too so my doc thought I should give them a whirl... and guess what? They WORK! a lot of the general pain has gone, im a bit stiff, but other than that ive only had to take 2 ot my normal painkillers in 5 days so far - thats down from say, 30 Co-Codamol's to 2! How good is that?!However - the side effect is that im so unbelievable hyper, it like im one of theose Pregnant women doing that barmy nesting thing before they give birth, Ive rushing around everywhere soing so much stuff, my head is racing all the time - I just can stop - heck im even typing this with so much speed i have to keep stopping to check im not just mashing the keyboard and at least some of this is actually readble!!! Dave is just looking real confused as Im flying around the house cleaning, washing and doing all manmner of niggly jobs ive ben putting off for god know how long!
In a way I hope the hyperness stays cos i feel really good and awake and able to do things instead of that "Crack, Crunch, groan" each time i get up.. Hail Gabapentin!!!
Veggies, Vigilante's & Vinyl!
Wow... Been a bit hectic here lately, and I have had a lovely long weekend away in the "Lake District" where we stayed in our... *deep breath* caravan Yes! Indeed, it sound very un rock n roll doesnt it? and indeed it is, BUT!!! when you all manage to pick yourselfves up off the floor and stop your sides aching & wipe away those tears of laughter... We have method to Mistress Madness!! Honest!!! you see, i have this "thing" about sleeping in other people's beds. what if the sheets havent been changed, what if my poor sensitive skin is allergic to the detergent they used? did the previous sleepers dribble on the pillow in their sleep? erk! SO! myself and him indoors bought a new caravan (which to be honest is better equipped with more mod cons than some houses, and has a proper double bed, cooker microwave, stereo, TV, fridge freezer etc) but anyway! Weekend was spent in the middle of 64 acres of National Trust woodland forest! peace and quiet whilst i read my latest slasherama novel by one of my fave authpurs, whose name is appopriately Karin Slaughter. How perfect is that, pitch black putside with ominous tree branch crunching and the birds outside dropping things onto the van roof, eerie owl like noises a plenty whilst reading a slasher novel...Anyway! Back to the title of todays blog! Veggies! indeed, since moving house, mistress has aquired this green thing called a Garden, admittedly Mistress has previously killed a cactus and house plants have been given the last rites before making it over the doorstep. Mistress is not green fingered at all. but strangely, after scoffing the fruits of the strawberry patch (literally) not long after moving in, I am determined to have a go. Im even getting accustomed to not screaming and running (yes, mistress running, a sight to see indeed) about the wasps and bees deliberately hunting me down and attacking me - now I merely squeal a bit and grip Dave's arm so tightly it goes a nice white colour...
My neighbours really dont like me too much at the moment, because I complained to the council that some fallen dead trees needed sorting out facing my house and they needed to do a litter pick of all the rubbish... sao the council came down and - brandishing chainsaws and a wood chipper, chopped down a load of trees, and left the rubbish. my neighbours are well chuffed at me spouting my mouth off!
In an effort to rid the house of a load of furniture and stuff that is too big for the new house. when it got to Daves rather old vinyl record collection, it was taking up too much room. so Mistress went into work and put an advert on my works for sale intranet page, and *puff* within 10 minutes it had gone. I had scoured ebay to see if it was stuff people paid for but alas even classic Black Sabbath, Frank Zappa and Deep Purple stuff wasnt going for more than a few quid, so i advertised it free to a good home... I think Dave was a bit shocked, but heck... I sweet talked him around - cos im good like that!
Mistress - The Jolly Nice Gal to Live Near...
Ok, Im Stumped! WHY has my X hubby gone and bought a house quite literally round the corner from me? why why whyyyyyyy Delilah? ahem... sorry about that. Seriously.. Why??!! There were millions of em to choose from so why move from another town BACK, not only to the same town, but quite literally, If i wasnt such a girl at throwing, would quite literally be a stones throw away from my own house? (Have you ever noticed that?! At school us girls could quite literally slaughter and butcher each other with hockey sticks, whacking each others shins with the cricket like ball, Blacken our eyes and bloody our noses playing Netball, yet just the simple act of throwing a tennis ball or any object for that matter results in a pathetic wildly inaccurate lobbing that goes nowhere near its intended target?!)Anyway, indeed, Mr Xhub has now bought a house slightly too close for comfort. Rather than look on the negatives I will just have to assume that I must just be such a thoroughly nice gal, and such a fab neightbour. Nor shall we dwell on the fact that 6 years later and the aforementioned has yet to find an "other" let alone a Significant one. As long as he doesnt become "Stalker 3" Im okay with it... You know, I could write a novel about my life, It would beat hands down the likes of Corrie (or for those in the US, liken it to The Bold & the Beautiful or Dallas type sagas albeit not as "posh" and with no oil.. unless you consider the X's skin type and greasy hair of course...)
Ive had 2 Stalky type slightly obsessives. The first, in my dating times, forgot to tell me of his betrothal to another lady, and once Mistress was informed of this little faux pas, 1 unceremonial public dumping later, and Stalker 1 was formed, Cue sad figure lurking around my place of work to "talk" and upon discovering I had a new Beau, lots of bizarre text messages about how well "The Fog is Lifting" Stalker 2 was well aware of my then, and current Beau yet he had a perchant to tell everyone how in love he was, accidental meetings and so forth that escalated to the point where he was desperate to know if David was living with me or not by sending some poor chap on a mission to my house, to explain that due to a horrid car accident, he was suffering from acute amnesia and needed to know who was living in my house as well as me and the poor chap became very flustered when I remarked about the sheer detail he was able to recount for someone with amnesia... he suddenly felt the need to go and rushed down the street to speak with Stalker 2, thankfully never to be seen again... Luckily neither of these 2 had very much sense between them, and thus it never got really bad, just a bit sad!
Im doing that waffling thing again, so I shall stop for now, and wonder what tales of the bizarre I can come up with for the next installment of my Blog...
Next time on the Blog... Mistress discovers the joy (?!) of Gardening.. My Neighbours are Vigilante's and they all hate me.. and Mistress gives away Dave's entire Vinyl record collection.
Doctors do not know better!
Mistress is being all philosophical again... You know what those stupid doctors went and did? well, if some of you can bear to cast your eyes back to the blog entry about my stomach ulcers, I can now no longer take some of the arthritis pills (namely anti inflammatories) and so, much to my reluctance the doctor prescribed me with something called Amitryptaline which she claimed in low 10mg doses, was considered very effective "Pain management" in the medical world. I scoffed at the idea, made a suitably sarcastic remark about knowing it was yet another fancy name for Anti depressants and said why what does that do, make me all happy and i dont actually care too much about the pain (or stopped making it up as it was all "in my head" was another thought)?"But, being a good girl, i took the little blue pills, dutifully every night for 6 weeks.. the shooting pain continued in one's shattered kneecap (as i would have expected if the bones are a bit fubar'ed as we say here)all they did was exactly the opposite of the other well known "little blue pill" Mistress was not impressed and prompty threw them in the bin last weekend! I have to say I hate pills and stuff that end up messing with your head, i like to make sure that all my sarcasm and extremely witty one liners and exceptional talent at toilet humour and lewd jokes continue to spew forth with reckless abandon... and then hurredly blame it on someone else if it all goes awry.. a bit like when women accuse the dog of farting...
Wow.. Ive been divorced for 3 weeks now! give it another 3 weeks and that would equal the amount of time that would elapse between the X hubby taking a bath... oh yes indeed! I have rather an amusing ditty to tell on that front which culminated in me threatening the Xhub with the Karcher Pressure Washer and a tub of Swarfeega...
Someone read my Blog & Lived!
No... i didnt believe it either but its true! On another note my SPIRAL T Shirts are up for release from Sunday 22nd April onwards!!!Today I Got Divorced !
Well! Finally!!! for those who did not know (and most of you probably didnt) deep in Mistress' dark and lurky past I once did this thing and "got married" god knows why, and alas my only defence being that i got very poorly and once over the illness itself, my kindly doctor gave me this pill called Prozac and the next 16 moinths were a haze of fluffy clouds and melancoly... upon ceasing these wonderful pills Mistress sat down and thought OMG! what have I done?! and life trundled on until Mistress could no longer bear "Him indoors'" strange interest in WATCHING fishing on TV (not actually fishing mind you, just watching!)his rather grating hyena type laugh, his dodgy haircut,, his perchant for dance music and - the final straw - THE RED TRAINERS!!!!Now, you look at ole Mistress, what does Mistress like? Create? Listren to? and bear a vague (albeit more sensible for work now) resemblance to ones avatar?! and I somehow married a guy who hated heavy metal, and wore red trainers, like fishing and bore a disturbing resemblance to Penfold out of Dangermouse - I was in a good mind to sue that doctor! Anyway, one has to make mistakes to learn from them! and I can kinda laugh now, and strangely enough me and him actually get on better now than we ever did... stingy get still wouldnt go half on the court costs tho! but alas i did all the legalities myself - being a bit of a control freak often works in yur advantage of eagerly swotting up on a few bits of law here and there to stop other people ripping you off! - and it was the best £400 ive ever spent!
So HURRAH to me! Im legally single once more!!! HURRAH!!!
Spiral Direct T-shirts
This website has to be one of my all time favourites for T shirts, long sleaves, hoodies, work shirts etc.. I have over 30 of their tops in my wardrobe at the moment - Im rarely seen without one at weekends, unless im advertising one of my favourite bands... and so how fitting that my move into recolouring ventured into T-shirts and my natural thought was - I love my tops so much,I want my Sims to be able to wear them too - case ye out thy nasty default twinsets!And so, as can be seen in my latest feature is a screenie i put together of just a few of the designs currently in progress.. I hope you like them!
I must just say that some of the designs I feel are not PG13 friendly, (such as vampires dripping blood) and so to that end, i will release those for publication on another site I contribute to called Simaholics R Us and they will be free to download.
Stay tuned - there will be around 50 shirts coming available, and im about half way through so it shouldnt be long now!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
As you can see, I am a little excited that my first ever object recolour set it to be published between these hallowed pages tomorrow!
Chuffed indeed!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Yin&Yang bedroom Published on 29th March!!!
Just incase you forgot...
Claire XX
The Yin&Yang Bedroom Set
I have finally churned out something worthy of a screenshot! My first recolour set! yeah, i know it is a fairly simple ish recolour to begin with, I havent used any fancy meshes or anything, Ive just recoloured the Bedcovers, Curtains, Walls, floor, and also the Bedside tables, Wardroble and drawers from the Glamour Life Stuff pack and chucked in a few painting recolours as well!Hopefully as the confidence grows, so will the repetoire and i shall create more and more recolours worthy of release through this fine site.. Keep your eyes peeled for my first one.. "The Yin&Yang Bedroom Set"
Thus is Claire, signing off feeling a bit smug with herself!
Take Care XXX

Dipping the toes
Well, Im getting "The Urge" again... I would LOVE so much to be able to do more than Walls Floors and Pictures, I would LOVE to be able to create a room! You know, the matching Curtains, Bedding and such... I just cannot get my head around shodows, Shading (aka ruffles and pleats!) and say, wood testures... Argh!!!I WILL get there one day - no matter how many more people I have to Harrass!!! Be careful, It could be you next!!!