
13Creations 119,041Downloads

Trunk_Show's Blog


Hello folks! I know it's been a while since I've been around TSR but I have decided to make my return. I have been lurking around here off and on, I'll admit but I have been too busy to give The Sims 3 my creative attention; however, I have noticed the continued success of my pet project - Madison 2449 in my absence. Thanks for your continued support! I truly appreciate it.


Now, for the exciting news: I will be returning with new content for you all soon! I have decided to separate my "Madison" project from Trunk_Show. You can find it here: Madison ( I am currently working on new clothes and objects for you sims and I hope to have new uploads for you all as soon as possible.


Thanks for you continued support. Happy Simming!


Lower download count & missing downloads?

Some of you may be wondering what happened to some of the downloads I used to have up or why my download count has decreased. Well, it is because I have asked the administration to remove some of the downloads I don't feel fit the new "Madison 2449" theme that is going on. Or items that I plan to re-release with an improved versions. :]



What exactly is "Madison 2449"?

A few days ago I was rather bored waiting for a class of mine to start. To pass time I played The Sims 3 and created a new character named Madison. She turned out to be a rather quirky and ridiculously crazy character. It wasn't long that I realized that I didn't hae enough clothing options to fit her fashion sense. I began shopping around and creating new clothing pieces to fit her. And that inspired my new project "Madison 2449" which has a very specific aesthetic. Originally I was going to create my own site separate from TSR; however, I decided to just keep it here instead. I hope you guys enjoy what's all to come!!


50,000+ Downloads!!

Wow. Thanks you guys for downloading my content! It excites me to see that so many people enjoy my creations enough to download them. At the moment, I am in the process of REDOING many of my creations. Why? Because I like them but I have noticed things that I don't like so much about them whether it's the length of a shirt, the category that they were placed in, curddy bumpmaps or so on. I only want my creations to be the best that I can possibly make them. And I am sure you guys all would like the same from me. Once I finish the items that I am redoing, I will post them up for download and take down the old versions. And I will also post a new blog to list the items that have been updated. :]

Anywho, thanks for the 50,000+ downloads you guys! Much love!


Just so you know...

Hey guys, this is just a little update on myself for you all. Currently, I am back in school. My college's semester began this passed Monday. I am taking nothing but performance classes - singing, acting, dancing. And have class and rehearsals Monday through Friday, so you can imagine how busy and exhausted I'll be. Unfortunately, new releases from me will not be as constant as they were before - as you might have already noticed. But I will try my best to create some new items regularly though; however, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up! Thanks for you constant support. :]

Hair Hide & Seek!

Here are so more hair credits for those of you who'd like some of the hairs I have used on my models. Sorry that it has taken me so long to post this. Thanks to those of you who have helped one another out with the search. :]


Unfortunately, I cannot locate this hair. If you know where it is, please post here. :}


25,000+ DOWNLOADS!!

Wooo! Thanks you guys for downloading my creations and showing your support! It means so much to me. It's awesome to see that I have so many downloads in such a short time span! ;]

Models for sale.. Actually, okay, maybe.

Lately I have been contacted by folks who are interested in having my models in their game and asking me to put them up for download. I would love, love, love to do so; however, I am using them in a story I am currently writing and I would like them to be exclusively just for that. I am sure once I finish the storyline that I will place them up for download. How long that will be? No clue. Until then, I guess I will start making Sims for download with the hopes of you guys finding a few that you like just as much, if not more!



So, today's your lucky day! I changed my mind about using the models for the story I have been working on. I have created a similar version to them for the story because their looks didn't EXACTLY fit the characters I wanted them to portray. I will be uploading them sometime for you guys! As well as continue to make new sims with the hopes of you guys loving them.

Hair! Hair! It's everywhere!

So, I keep hearing that my models are damn sexy. Well, of course they are: I made them! Duh! Haha, oh a modest one aren't I? Anywho, part of their sexiness goes behind the clothes that I put on them - it's the hair, baby! Many of you guys have been contacting me in regards to specific hairs I have been using. I have taken the time out to try and locate them on the web for you!

An Introduction

Hello everyone! I decided that I would let you guys know me a bit better, whether you even care or not. First off, my name is Christian and I am currently 20 years old. I am California raised and couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I am currently a college student but it feels like a sort of limbo right now. I don't think I am ever going to graduate because well, I can't stick to one major and I feel like a lame ass just going with "Liberal Arts". I spend the majority of my time dancing and singing - I should just be a musical theatre major but no one ever goes anywhere with that; well, a very small percentage that is. Plus, I am a horrible actor. Haha. I love, love, love watching television like you don't even know. Unfortunately I am rarely home because I am usually out with friends, working out at the gym, at school or something. So mostly everything ends up on my DVR. I have always been addicted to The Sims since the very first one was released and I have been loyal to the game ever since. It's probably the only game I have consistently played - and isn't a waste of money like my XBOX360. I have been creating custom content for the games since TS1 and actually owned a site that grew to be fairly popular, Strike A Pose. At some point I decided to close it because TS1 just got kind of lackluckster for me. During the period of TS2 I didn't do much creating though I released a few items on forums and such every now and again. You might have seen me around as "Coco Charlotte" formerly "Cluck Norris" - you may also know me from Acorn Rack sites because I have a love of writing and roleplaying. Cough, nerd alert! I also enjoy comic books, videos games (obvi) and creating arts and crafts. I am like, a grandmother in training only a guy. Haha. Anywho, I am back in The Sims community again creating TS3 creations and I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them!

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NEW ACCOUNT! Lower download count & missing... MADISON 2449 50,000+ Downloads!! Just so you know... Hair Hide & Seek! 25,000+ DOWNLOADS!! Models for sale.. Actually,... Hair! Hair! It's everywhere! An Introduction
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