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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
- Base Game
- Teen-Elder
- Female
- 10 Swatches
- HQ Mod Compatible
- Custom Thumbnail
Preview Picture was taken with HQ Mod!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1504444
ItemID: 1504444
Filesize: 434 KB
Where did you get your CC'S in the preview pictures?
- You can find them here on TSR.
I use mostly items from: Nightcrawler,Anto,Pralinesims,S-Club,Pinkzombiecupcakes,RemusSirion,
Sims House,Saliwa,Puresim,Black Lily, Bill Sims and of course my stuff.
- Please do not ask me about other CC'S in the pictures.I will not answer it anymore.
- Recoloring Allowed: See TOU on my profile page
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Note that those downloads are not required for the Creation to work!
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