Poll Results
Question: Which Theme do you prefer?
Gothic/Halloween 22.15% (33)
Modern 40.27% (60)
Medieval 17.45% (26)
Space Age 2.68% (4)
Holiday 11.41% (17)
Other 6.04% (9)
Previous poll
Gothic/halloween 33.33% (14)
Modern 19.05% (8)
Medieval 28.57% (12)
Holiday 9.52% (4)
Space Age 0% (0)
Other 9.52% (4)
Ok adding the 2 results together we have:
Gothic/halloween 33.33% (47)
Modern 19.05% (68)
Medieval 28.57% (38)
Holiday 9.52% (21)
Space Age 0% (4)
Other 9.52% (13)
With Modern as a clear winner, Gothic 2nd & Medieval 3rd.
Thanks to everyone who took part in my poll.
New poll posted, hope you vote on that one too x
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