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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
1 bedroom, 1 bathroom
30 x 20 lot
Newcrest (but you can place it anywhere on a 30x20 lot or larger)
House value - 70.721 simoleons -
I've been doing a lot of pink themed homes, so this time I decided to switch it up and make a very blue house haha! Hope you like it!
Packs that I own
-City Living
-Cats and Dogs
-Island Living
-Eco Lifestyle
-Snowy Escape
-Cottage Living
-High School Years
-Growing together
-Realm of Magic
-Dream Home Decorator
-Movie Hangout
-My First Pet
-Landry Day
-Tiny Living
-Home Chef Hustle
-Blooming Rooms Kit
-Pastel Pop Kit
-Everyday Clutter Kit
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1681867
ItemID: 1681867
Filesize: 182 KB
- Value: 70.721
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Uploaded on TSR only
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: 3020
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