Xandher (254210)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1869 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Da Kine Mens Hair Collection
Published May 4, 2008
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (202 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
I have been a creator for Sims fansites since House Party was released for Sims 1. It has been something I take great pride in. I strive for and end result that will satisfy my own stringent requirements, and that of everyone who downloads my creations. I am a habitual perfectionist, so quality is of the utmost importance to me. I would like to think that I have lasted this long for that very reason.
I am primarily a skinner, but have also dipped my toe in the object and walls/floors pool. I'm trying to branch out in mesh making, so I can have a little bit more freedom with the clothes I make. I feel most at home with womens clothing, but I recognize the lack of clothing in other age/gender groups. I will always try to fit some in when I can.
People have asked me for some time about the process I go through when creating my textures, and where I stand on the "skinning debate". My personal philosophy on skinning is to be as organic as possible. Outside of portions of facial or body textures, I never use photos in my work, and almost all the designs for the outfits I make come from my own sketchbook. It may not be the most popular philosophy, but its my strong suit, and I'm sticking with it!
My Latest Updates Show All
Beating the brows....(to death?)Written Feb 20, 2008
Hey everyone, I know its been forever since I have made an entry, but as I think I have mentioned before, (in my forum thread) I'm not very good at this. I always find it hard to believe that anyone would have any interest in anything I have to say. Anyway, been a terribly busy few months, lots of things to deal with, family and otherwise, so I have been really struggling to keep up with... ...More
On the artistic side.... (and a freebie set...woot!)Written Oct 25, 2007
My pasquale teadress collection is free for the next few weeks, for those of you who are interested. :D Thats out of the way, so on to the other goodies. I am about to upload a set of Sim-photography for your games. This set consists of black and white, artistic "photographs" of various Sims for your elegant homes, or boutiques, or salons, or galleries.. or...whatever. The subject... ...More
Between the Sheets...Written Sep 21, 2007
I love bedding..and not just my own. :P I like to create bedding for The Sims because, i think its really one of the only things that can perk up a bedroom. Its a small file too, which is always a plus. I have made some retro bedding in the past, and I find myself using it alot, but I have wanted to do more bedding for a while, so I don't wear out the old ones! At the nudging of a friend, I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 31, 2015
hey cool stuff! just too bad I couldn't get some of the meshes anymore
carollyneFeb 11, 2014
such beautiful creations Do you create for Sims 3?
RènatooMay 28, 2012
Hii ! Sorry can you make please Miley Cyrus ,Selena Gomez and Britney Spears for The Sims 1 ? Thank You So Much