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Zuckerschnute20's Guestbook

PuresimApr 13, 2020

Hi, thank you very much \:\) have a nice day!

eviApr 12, 2020

Hi love 😊Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my paintings. I hope you are enjoying it in your game. Happy Easter 🐰 and keep safe! See you around 😉

Isabeau78Apr 10, 2020

Hi dearest internet girlfriend, I wish you a very happy Easter also for you and your family and even in this crisis we should count our blessings. Will think of you when i see a butterfly and send you also a one with lots of sun and kisses. Hug you tight and i am so thankful that you are in my life with all your support\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:Thanks xx Debby

XandralynnApr 3, 2020

Thank you for the sweet comment 🥰

sharon337Apr 1, 2020

Thank you so much sweetie. Hope you are safe and well. Take care and Hugs. 💖💖

Isabeau78Mar 30, 2020

Sweet Angie, thanks for your sweet message♥ Today i get new blue socks yessss waiting for them now\:wub\:Still cold here and today it rains! So no sun\:\( but we need to stay home so it will not matter to us. Have a great day and i want snow here too because no-one is outside to walk in it x stay safe and wirbleibenzuhause\:rah\: Debby

PinkzombiecupcakesMar 28, 2020

Thank you very much Angie!Take good care of you and have a wonderful evening\:wub\:

TnT_TerryMar 26, 2020

Hi Angie, just wanted to give you a heads up on one of your creations hon. It seems that the valentine pajamas you made have a missing catagory. The bottoms can be found in sleepwear but the top cannot sadly \:\( I wanted my sim to wear this set for sleeping and I cannot use the top as it doesn't show as an option. So whenever you get a chance in future, could you please add sleepwear to the top? I hope all is well with you in this madness we are all going through, just keep yourself occupied at home and practice good handwashing hon, and all should be better soon we hope. We too are staying indoors here in Norway, I only go out to walk my dog and a bit of sun and fresh air, otherwise I am at home. We will get through this, hugs

dasie2Mar 25, 2020

Dear Angie, you are an Angel \:wub\: I wish you a lot of love and health \:wub\:: Please, stay at home. Kisses :* Dana

Isabeau78Mar 22, 2020

So sweet your message!\:wub\:\:wub\: Sorry that i didn't see this sooner. Here it is also not good and also the people doesn't realize how risky this virus is. I stay inside but i will do a walk so i have a little sun and walk where people are not walking. Live near a big polder and there are not many people outside there. But after 30 min i stay at home again. Only my hubby works a little and my son is home school gives schoolwork with chat and webcam and i still am at home. Stay safe inside and if you can be outside with no peiople around like me i will send you some sun from here kisses and hugs\:wub\::wub\:Debby

PinkzombiecupcakesMar 14, 2020

Thank you Angie!Have a great weekend\:wub\:

sharon337Mar 14, 2020

Thank you so much my dear. Hope you are well and have a lovely weekend. Take care and Hugs. 💖💖

RieneaMar 11, 2020

Dankeschön \:wub\:

RieneaMar 11, 2020

Danke, dass du nachgeschaut hast \:wub\: Dann wird es wohl an meinem Spiel liegen... Vielleicht funktioniert es ja doch irgendwann ^^

PinkzombiecupcakesMar 11, 2020

Thanks a lot Angie!Have a great evening.\:wub\:

xogerardineMar 11, 2020

Lovely creations, cannot wait for more from ya! 😘

RieneaMar 8, 2020

Hey, vielen Dank für deinen Antwort \:wub\: Ich habe wirklich alles versucht, aber nun taucht das Obeteil leider gar nicht mehr in meinem Spiel auf... Es ist im selben Ordner gespeichert wie die Hose (die finde ich auf Anhieb) und ich hab es auch schon mehrmals neu runtergeladen und die Datei ersetzt, weil ich dachte dass vlt beim Download iwas schief gegangen ist... Bevor ich den Kommentar geschrieben hab, hab ich extra im Spiel nochmal geschaut und zu dem Zeitpunt ist es nur bei den Teenies aufgetaucht. Aber jetzt ist es leider unauffindbar :/ Filter hab ich immer alle entfernt und ich bin auch jede einzelne Kategorie durchgegangen >.< Wirklich schade, aber wie gesagt: Tolles Outfit! \:\)

PinkzombiecupcakesMar 4, 2020

Thanks a lot Angie!Have a wonderful week\:wub\:

dasie2Mar 2, 2020

Thank you dear Angie for the support \:wub\: I wish you a beautiful, sunny week \:\) Kisses :* Dana

eviMar 2, 2020

Hi Zucher 😊 I very much appreciate that you always get the time to comment on my work. See you around 😊

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