aamorgan05 (3142308)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (35 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Martha - NO CC Starter
Published May 4, 2012
About Me
You can view photos of my creations here http://amessims3lotcreations.blogspot.com/ Well, i'm a 26 year old married, mother of 2. I have a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl . I'm a stay at home mom. I'm an avid military supporter, being i couldn't join myself because of a health condition. I'm an angel over at SoldiersAngels.org and am on several teams. I'm the Vol. Operations Coordinator for RealCombatLife.com and help a few other out on the side. I love to draw although I haven't in a while, I'm just a tomboy country girl. I'm about as far from "most" girls as you can get, I'd rather be fishing and talking about old muscle cars than shopping anyday lol. I'm a big fan of the WWE and have been since i was a little girl, thanks to growing up with all boys lol. I'm one of those respectful fans that doesn't completely bash the wrestlers just because i don't like their character lol. I can be very blunt at times sometimes to a fault...one of my soldiers once told me that me and him were just born with out that filter between our mouths and brains lol. Well i guess to sum it all up, I'm country tom boy and my life consists of being mom, wife, soldier/vet supporter, and "unofficial thererapists or spy" < qoute from one of my soldiers lol b/c i was so good at understanding and helping him! Big hugs to all!
My Latest Updates Show All
3 Lots doneWritten Apr 25, 2012
Ok yall so I got 3 starter lots done for yall, All i got to do is find some time to resize the photos LOL I know its been a lil while since i uploaded anything, but i promise I haven't run off! With the loss of SSg Jamie and trying to figure out what's best school wise and doctor wise for my 5 year old son (ADHD, disruptive behavior, possible Aspergers/Autism) I've been overwhelmed lol. So I'm... ...More
Taking a small break to grieve...:( Written Mar 22, 2012
Sgt. Jamie Jarboe has passed away on 3/21/12. I am terribly upset about it. I consider him and his family good friends of mine. He was shot by a sniper on April 10, 2011 in A-stan. For 11 months he fought the good fight, inspiring not only his family and friends but the entire world. The love and devotion he had for his wife Melissa and she for him is something we all can... ...More
I haven't fell off the grid!!Written Jan 09, 2012
Hey ya'll! I just wanted to drop in and let ya'll know that I haven't run off! I'm currently in the process of combining my main sims site with my blog to make it 1 site...so thats lots of work lol http://amessims3lotcreations.blogspot.com/ I do have 2 lots im working on, 1 community and 1 residentual and a sim that i plan on uploading soon! so keep your eye out :)... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
altea127May 16, 2012
Hi tahnks for your comment
PralinesimsMay 14, 2012
Hi Thank you VERY much!! Have a gorgeous week!
SolnyMay 11, 2012
Thank you for nice comment at my Indian summer About vaulted ceiling - here is tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlx2vMirsjQ