I don't know if people really read these, but I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of the amazing artists on TSR. Although I would love to, because of some health problems I am unable to create and contribute like all of you incredible artists do. I've been through hell in my life and TS3 has been the one thing that kept me from losing my mind through my darkest times bedridden in agony. I found TSR about 6 months ago and over that time I've learned a lot about some of the talented and generous artists on this site. I have such a tremendous appreciation for you all who are so diligent in creating the highest quality, most beautiful, creative and SAFE content for us to enhance what is for some of us the only world we can live in. Thank you all so much for your very hard work and being so generous to share it with me. I appreciate every one of you and thank you for making my life a little brighter just by being in it. :) I wish you all a very blissful 2015! Please keep up your fantastic work and never let the drama bring you down. You are so very appreciated more than you know!