andrejjka016's Blog
Sims 4 Finally
Hi I am bored so here is some info about me. Well I have laptop but you probably know that. I am from Czech Republic and I like playing Sims 4. I am sisxteen and I don't have money for notebook so I bought 32 sd card and It's in my laptop, of cousrse with the sims 4 gameplay on it. But I have only base game so I am more like creating on sims 4 studio. But problem is that I don't know how to publish sims 4 content here on TSR site. Also I don't know how to create meshes on Blender, because I don't know how to control like rotation or zoom. If you can help me with that I would be really gladfull.
My laptop vs The sims 4
Hi, I have one really interesting story for you guys. So I bought 2TB usb flash disk, but my sister has a boyfriend and he is really good at pc and laptops so he took my usb flash disk and try it on his notebook. He fouds out that the usb is not 2TB but only 32 GB sooooo.....I am really sad about it, because I tried like thousand times to download The Sims 4 before he told me that. Now I know why it didn't work. But for my luck, my sister is so nice and she will give me her hard drive and she will help me with downloading real working full version of The Sims 4 hurraaaay!!!
So wish me luck guys.