New Beginnings
This has been without a doubt the craziest year of my life. My mother was in the hospital, I lost my job, My father was in Baghdad. I had to sell my computer and Sims 2
But now my mother is back in health, My Father is back from Iraq and I made the biggest move in my life. I drove across the country from New York City to San Francisco California. It took 7 days, we stopped in different cities all along the way. From Newton Falls, Ohio to Reno, Nevada. It was an entirely new beginning and chapter in my life.
I love San Francisco, At first it was a struggle getting on my feet. I found a new job at an art university. My studio apartment is small, but the view of the city is great. I FINALLY bought a new computer this month and 2 days ago I bought SIMS 3.
I no longer have Sims 2, so sadly, I can't finish my last story... but new stories will be coming as soon as I figure out how SIMS 3 works. Everything has changed here at TSR! It's going to take some time to get used to it all.
Thank you for all your caring, kind and wonderful comments. I couldn't believe all the people that have reached out over the past year. I'm sorry that I don't have time to write back everyone individually right now... but believe me when I say it means a lot to me. I hope a lot of you are still around. missed you guys! Can't wait to check out your new stories and creations
lots of love,