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blueclarity25's Guestbook

dannybond1990Apr 1, 2007

Nooo!!! Poor Families. I'm soooo sorry!! I hope you continue writing stories though. I really enjoy your writing. Don't let that completely set you back, start over fresh, just don't completely stop writing.

JubilantApr 1, 2007

I'm sorry to hear about your computer. That is very unfortunate. I actually have my game backed up and even have cloned my favorite Sims using SimPE so I will always have them. Well I hope I can cheer you a bit to let you know my chapter 7 has been uploaded. I do look forward to new stories with new characters. \:wub\: erin

R.QuestMar 31, 2007

\:\( I am so sorry you had your game Crash. That Happened to me a couple of years ago... but it was not a corrupt file it was AOL that Corrupted an EXE. file.. crashed not my entire computer and not only did I lose all My Sims 1 and Sims2 stuff but everything on my computer...ON top of it I had to buy a new Hard drive... as they could not salvage the old one You can always have any download scaned for viruses and stuff by Norton or McAfee.. but make sure your Security programs are uptodate. I know it is hard to come back from losing everything... but you are to creative a writer to lose so I hope we will see your stories again. If you need any help from me let me know... I will do what ever I can Keep your chin least your computer still works\:ph34r\:

Swt_Pea92Mar 31, 2007

Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about you Sims! I really hope you do start making stories again, your stories were amazing! I'm sure alot of simmers will agree with me! \:\) Good luck rebuilding your neighbourhood!!

bingochao1Mar 31, 2007

Oh My Goodness! Poor you! I was really sad when I had to make a new acount on the computer because on my Sims2 the camera didn't work and when i wanted to painta 'still life painting' it didn't ever work so I made aload of families [gd ones] but then i wanted ot take photo's so i had to make a whole new acount on the computer and didn't have ANY of my files, not even on sims! But i'm glad now because I can make stories for everyone to read, wow that was alot of writing! \:cool\: \:D \:\)

clcewest441Mar 31, 2007

You're very welcome \:D

scarlet_whiteMar 31, 2007

I completely understand you position, and you have the added pressure of people expecting too much from you, instead of making stories right off the bat or trying to decide whetever you should write or not, take your time off with no pressures. Although reading other peoples stories also help. I think that will time instead of you wanting to write a story the story itself might suggest to you so to speak. Changing topic a little, I have never been a "succesful" writer so to speak, and luckily I don't need that anymore, but when I started I remember I had so many ideas and when I had an unsuccessful story, specially part 4, I would feel sort of depressed and lose not just the will to go on writing but also all of my creativity. Then I remembered my little niece that loved what I wrote (at least she says so) and I also write for two or three people that always read or commented my stuff or at least most of it. You are one of those people, not like trying to overcompliment you, just plain and simple trying to make you see that is not just big things like making fantastic stories what makes you likeable, sometimes is the small things too.

clcewest441Mar 31, 2007

Aw, I just read your profile \:\( Lara's Diary isn't coming out \:\( \:\( That happened to me a few weeks ago...I downloaded too much stuff...and I lost all my custom content. \:\( But I hope you make more stories!! \;\)

pjeff03Mar 31, 2007

I really love your Twins stories. I can't wait to see Lara's Dairy. Bye! pjeff039

clcewest441Mar 31, 2007

Hi there, Clarity \:cool\: Thanks for the comment on my story \;\) I got some of the clothes at: Some I got at TSR. \:D And also some of the clothes are maternity clothes, but when you download them of SIMS 2 CRI then it will show up in body-shop as an everday outfit. And also if you want them to show up as maternity, read the instructions above the clothes, and it will give you a link to download the hack to wear the maternity. \:\) Catch ya later! \:\) ~clcewest441~ PS-I can't wait for Lena's Diary! \:D

scarlet_whiteMar 31, 2007

Hi, I just read what happened to your sims game, I know how hard it must be for you. Even if you don't continue to write you have here is TSR the stories you wrote and also the much feedback you got, that is a testimony on the great impact you had as a writer. As for me, I hope that you don't lose interest in reading other people stories and leaving comments, as you usually do a lot, you have no idea how encouraging it is when someone leaves a comment other than a rah or a smilie. As for me, I am forever thankful for all the interest you shown for what I write, I am working on next part and as always it is a lot of effort, readers like you always brought me a lot of encouragement and I hope that regardless of your loss in your sims 2 game I think a lot of people appretiate your work not just as a writer but as a critic.

Angel275Mar 31, 2007

Oh my god that is very disturbing. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me, imagine all the families erased. I am very sorry that this happened to a true artist like you.

greeksimMar 30, 2007

Hi blueclarity25! Thanks so much for your nice comments on my small and luxurius house. I would love to see it in one of your future stories. When you have it published please let me know. Thanks again

Angel275Mar 29, 2007

Can you tell me which outfits you need (ex. party dress, wedding dress) and which style (ex. Bohemian Chic, Metalics..), so I can begin the search.

PatPBMar 29, 2007

It's very sudden the crash of a sattelite... \:\( but thanks for your comment on my screenshot!\:wub\: and by the way... I love your stories \:rah\:

jeycaMar 29, 2007

(I'm the one who wrote about the guardian angel)That's okay! I know how hard it is to write, and you've done a wonderful job! Can't wait for the next ones \:rah\:

kurtnecolaiMar 29, 2007

good job on making story.....keep it up! love your if you would become a great writer call me...okay?....LOL...thats just mean you aspire me and love your stories....keep it up!really....\:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\: \:D \:cool\: \;\)

jerifMar 29, 2007

\:D Thanks for the cool stories

LilyoftheValleyICEMar 28, 2007

No problem \:\) And thank you for the compliment on my stories \:o I haven't written a sim story in a long while though. Stupid school lol. Maybe I should try to set a time to write one over spring break...maybe I'll be inspired by...something, lol. Anyway, looking forward to any new stories coming from you! -Lisa-

JirkaMar 28, 2007

Thank you \:\) I'm just glad you like my work. And you're story was great!

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