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blueclarity25's Guestbook

hellocanuhearmeMar 25, 2007

I love your twins series! Can you tell me where you got the eyebrows and hairstyles?

Angel275Mar 24, 2007

Tell me when you fix those problems and by the way, I am working on a series myself. But I do not know when the series will be released, I am still at the start.

Angel275Mar 24, 2007

I would like to thank you for including my credit on your Story. Even though the outfits I personally picked out for you were not included in the story itself, due to your technical problems, you were kind enough to make a credit for the effort I have done. Thanks for the sentence you have written at the end of your story. Here is what blueclarity25 said about me: "A special thanks to Angel275 for your great fashion suggestions and site links." I look forward to our next collaboration.

R.QuestMar 24, 2007

Thank you very much for your continued interest in my A Boy's Life story... I promise that things will get easier for Trent.. but maybe not in the way we expect.. I also promise to try to shorten things up a bit Part 2 in my opinion was a bit long did not realize how many shots I done til I submitted it... Also I knew you had posted another Changes story, but then could not find it your response to another poster explained why... begining to think I was going nuts.. Thanks again for your support and I look forward to Lara's Diary

scarlet_whiteMar 24, 2007

Needed to personally congratulate you on ending twins, it was a very good ending, although I am very glad you will continue with Lara since I was reaching the end and waiting all the time the reconciliation. It is hard when youget in a fight and you just run, you keep nurturing in you ideas of rejection that are not necessarily true. I am happy that you get a lot of feedback, you are one of the very few I have seen that can beat the featured story comment wise. You should be very proud of that and even if it repeats itself or not in the future you did a great job keeping so many so hooked for 5 installments

ApotheCariMar 24, 2007

That was a wonderful ending to a great story! Thanks so much for taking the time to share with all of us! \:D

AnniKaynaMar 24, 2007

\:wub\: sorry that the story of the twins its arrived to their last chapter... \:\( I loved it!!! but it couldnt come to a better end!!! \:D looking forward to...abything you wuold want to publish!!! \:D \;\) take care,and have a nice day!!! \:\)

ZelaMar 24, 2007

Yey! I can't wait till Lara's story, I hope it will be as good as the Twins. I loved the ending of the Twins. Keep playing and writing sims! \:rah\:

spiffyrifficMar 23, 2007

I can't wait for the next part of twins! I also just uploaded Kaleb Hennington's Love Life: Part Three, so it should be ready here soon! \:\)

josh1092Mar 23, 2007

Your new story dissapeared. Did you delete it?

sandybvvMar 23, 2007

its me again.. thanks for reading *Sylvia 3* and thank you for your nice comments, i really appreciate it!!

sandybvvMar 23, 2007

ups.. a made a huge mistake... it wasnt brad's skin that i used for peter.. it was Wentworth Miller... you can find it at i used his skin, but i completely modified his face!!!

sandybvvMar 23, 2007

you asked me about peter skin.. well actually i got it here... its the skin they used to create brad pitt.. i just modified his face and give him a make over!! \:D jiji its the brad pitt you can find in the free area in this site!!! \:D i would look for the link and bring it to you!! just give me a sec. \:D

sandybvvMar 23, 2007

thanks for reading *Sylvia 2* i really appreciate your comments and im very glad you liked it..

WigwogMar 23, 2007

No problemo!\;\)

Nono_GirlMar 23, 2007

Hey!It's me!You probably don't know who I am but I commented on you "Twins" story and you said that Nellie enhiredt her freckles.How was that possible?My sims can only have freckles if I apply custom make-up...Tell me your secret!Pliz! P.S:I can't wait for the next chapter!

Small Town SimMar 23, 2007

thanks for taking time and reading/watching my pizza commercial.. i had a blast making it. glad you enjoyed it!

sallyhailsMar 23, 2007

Thanks for signing my guestbook, I love your twins story, ur a very talented writer and I can't wait for the next part. Thanks for your lovely comment. Sally\:D

cariadbachMar 23, 2007

\:\) Thanks for your positive comments on Devil Woman. A compliment coming from such a good writer as yourself. I only started these short stories as I was laid up in bed one week. I was just going to do the one!! Have thoroughly enjoyed your Twin series. It must be hard work to keep it all flowing so smoothly. Looking forward to the finale today.

scarlet_whiteMar 23, 2007

Hi, I went here at TRS, saw you had a sidestory to twins and a follow up to another of your stories but went to take a nap, since I had quite a tyring day, then I return some hours later to check on the stories and I can't find yours, was it deleted? Hope I am not indiscrete I was just wondering what happened to it

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