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blueclarity25's Guestbook

freescarlettApr 16, 2008

How do you do? We miss you and your great storytelling-talent here very much! I hope that everything is fine in your real life.

AlyoshaMar 3, 2008

Heya! It has been a very long time! We miss you soooo much here! Hope you get back soon! \:rah\:

heyunome11Feb 14, 2008

Hello blueclarity25, I just wanted to say that i absoutly fell in love with your stories as they first came out! And i still do.\:D I hope that you can start wrighting again soon! Hannah

spiffyrifficJan 31, 2008

Just leaving a little note. We all miss you and your amazing creativity. I hope that real life is treating you well, and that you are enjoying your work. Have a happy 2008. See you soon! (wishful thinking lol) -Spiffyriffic

Small Town SimDec 19, 2007

I put a lot of thought into this ............................ it's definitely not a whim ......................... have a very Merry Holiday ........................... to YOU ---------------------- from Small Town Sim!

SimkittyNov 8, 2007

Hi, Clarity. I hope your mother is doing better. I'm just getting caught up on your Twins saga. I thought I could read a plot well but yours had twists like the one that broke my leg last year.\:P I liked Lara's Diary. Can't wait for Samantha's family to visit them in California. I haven't read the Changes story yet, but so far I do not like Tyson's wife or other kids.\:mad\: By the way, I've been homeless and your depiction of a shelter is not far off. Men and women do not sleep in the same shelter. Sometimes couples have to split up - the woman to one shelter, the man to another. Most of the time we slept on mats in the basement or back room of a church. I thought of it all as a good learning experience. If I ever become a foster mom of a troubled teen girl I will take her to spend, not a night, but a week or so in the shelter system to show her where the wrong decisions could send her. Sorry for the tangent. But, hey, if you're curious about my experiences let me know.\;\) I'm looking forward to Samantha's story and the family reunion. Take care. =^..^=

ssjjcraneNov 3, 2007

Hi. I have something to tell you I've only told my parents. Like 5 months ago, I read a chain letter about bloody mary. Then when I read urban legends 3, I couldn't even finsh reading it. i WAS REALLY scared. I se a consolor every Wed. because I have an axiety disorder. It made me unable to fall asleep until like midnight. So no offence, but if you do any stories with Layla again, I'm not gonna read it. Joy of Painting scared me enough.

PatPBOct 31, 2007

Hey!! What has happened to you? Is everything allright? I sure hope so. Let me know when you come back. I miss you wonderful stories and your nice comments \:\) From a TSR friend, PatPb

mini me3393Oct 28, 2007

I just thought of your stories so I wanted to drop by and tell you that we all miss them! I hope everything is going alright with your job and your mother. Hope to see you back soon! ^^

Swt_Pea92Oct 28, 2007

I'm really starting to miss your stories now. It's been way too long! I hope everything's well and I hope you're still enjoying your not so new job. Hope to see you around soon.

mssoftbrnOct 24, 2007

just dropping by with this \:\) hoping to give you a little pick me uppper!!\:rah\:

ZelaOct 16, 2007

I am just dropping a line to say I am really sorry about your Mum, I hope she is better soon! \:\( I hope you back on TSR soon, I am starting to miss your stories. \:rah\: - Zela

dannybond1990Oct 3, 2007

I'm stopping in to say that we haven't forgotten you. You're still alive in some of our hearts. We miss you much Clarity!!!\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

sweetcharmingOct 2, 2007

I'm sorry to hear that your mom is still in the hospital and that your new job don't give you any free time. I hope that everything is going to be better for you soon. We really miss you and your stories, and I hope, that you can be back very soon. Good luck and best wishes.\:\)

sallyhailsOct 2, 2007

Hi just popped by to say I'm missing you, I hope you'll return to us someday, Good luck with everything you do.\:wub\: Sally\;\)

dannybond1990Sep 23, 2007

I hope everything is going well, we all really miss you here. I hope you return oneday.

R.QuestSep 10, 2007

Really wanted to say I have missed reading your stories, but I can understand about a new job and your mother being ill has taken all your spare time. I hope your mother has recovered by now and that you can find time to relax and recover....

AlyoshaSep 2, 2007

Hi there! I just wanted to drop by. I really miss you! Hope everything's fine with you and you mom right now.. \:D

Sara1993Aug 8, 2007

Hi!\:wub\: I feel really sorry for your mom and I hope everything will be all right soon!\:wub\: I miss your stories and you! Hope you get back soon\:D Hugs&Kisses\:wub\:, Sara with best wishes!\:wub\:

BuckinghamAliceJul 25, 2007

Hi! I hope things cam down for you soon... just wondering, will there be a Joy of Painting 3? I've been looking forward to it. \:\) No rush though, and no worries if not.

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