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blueclarity25's Guestbook

irene_mafMar 9, 2007

Thank you for your comments about my screenshots. I really appericate it. irene

Jasmine206Mar 9, 2007

Your welcome! The story was wonderful. If we could still rate stories, I would give it a 5.0. \:\)

scarlet_whiteMar 9, 2007

Hey, thank you for your support in this installment and last installment, I am also glad you write. I will make next installment about Marguerite and I hope it becomes a very touching story (although with a bit of darkness too). Just wanted to thanks for the interest you shown so far.

blueclarity25Mar 8, 2007

Tuesdai - You didn't download the same custom content as I did. There is a vast array of custom content available on the web from so many different sources. You probably have a lot of custom content that I don't have and I have a lot that you don't have. It's just skin toned blush. It gives the appearance of changing the skin tone. It came in a make up package included with a custom skin that I downloaded about a year ago. \:\) If you want something similar go to and search the download section. Just download some random skins and chances are you'll find the same thing in your make up section. I'm fairly certain that's where I got this.

TuesdaiMar 7, 2007

Well if you were telling the truth then how come it didn't work for me?\:rolleyes:

TuesdaiMar 7, 2007

Well is it just blush or skin?\:wacko\:

cariadbachMar 7, 2007

\:\) Hi , Thanks for reading Not Guilty and for your positive comments. It makes it worth while when people take the time to comment on the stories.

blueclarity25Mar 7, 2007

Tuesdai - I posted a screenshot of how it is done. You can view it on my profile or copy + paste this link. I hope this helps puts an end to any confusion over the process involved

SimsBarbieMar 6, 2007

And thank you for checking out my screenshots!\:\)

MinnieMinPinMar 6, 2007

Thanks for taking the time to sign my guest book!\:cool\: I enjoyed your story!\:D Keep up the good work!\:rah\:

clcewest441Mar 5, 2007

Hi BlueClarity \:cool\: ~~~I'm glad you liked my model story. Keep your eyes open for the next part \;\) Thanks again! ~clcewest441~

MeemoMar 5, 2007

Glad you liked my Alvin D'Lottery story!! I can't wait for part two either as I don't know what I'm going to write yet!! \;\)

bec71Mar 4, 2007

No-prob-lemo!\:D It was a good story!\:P

manuela55Mar 4, 2007

You are very welcome!\:D \:D \:D

TuesdaiMar 2, 2007


Simul8ingMar 2, 2007

\:\) I just discovered this! What a cool take on the Lou Smorel story. I really love your version. I just posted my own version of this and was psyched to see someone else's version in the Stories Index. Yours is much better than mine! Great work! I also love the custom hair and make up you used. Your characters are beautiful! \:o Thank you for the kind compliment. There is also a part two posted if you check my profile. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Melody CuriousMar 1, 2007

Loved your version of the Loves/woohoo challange. I've almost finished that one myself, but I've used the Insim to switch off lot jealously... Lou is currently in love with all three girls, and there all pregnant to him!\:P It's soo funny at times... Thanks for sharing!

cariadbachFeb 28, 2007

\:\) Thanks for reading Charmed Life and for your positive comments , glad you enjoyed.

scarlet_whiteFeb 28, 2007

Hi, thanks for commenting on my latest story, I appretiate your kind comment, and by the way, great job on the kid that wants to become chef story you are doing, most people I read that do challenge if memory serves me well try to finish the challenge in one go, it seems yours will go for longer, giving a much richer story hopefuly

foxysenseiFeb 28, 2007

LOLLL Tuesdai's comment was a bit sceptical hey? well I don't agree! thanks for being complimentary on my avatar! i wish to believe she looks like me, but she is a rather unearthly beauty \:P anway, the skin is one I downloaded from here: Although sometimes I think it makes the sims look too emaciated. Your avatar is very attractive as well! Her hair is so soft and wispy!

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