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blueclarity25's Guestbook

shopgirl!Jul 20, 2007

Hi, I hope everything is settling down for you. And that you will get to have a little more free time. I hope to read your stories soon, I love them. I hope to here from you soon. ~SHOPGIRL~ \:\)

albabyJul 15, 2007

I miss you and your stories. \:\( i hope everything's fine.

dannybond1990Jul 10, 2007

Hey, hope everything is getting better in your life. We really really miss you. I hope one day you can grace your presence upon us once again with your wonderful stories.\:wub\:

Eve70Jul 10, 2007

Hi Clarity. I hope you're doing well, and that your Mom is better. I know how chaotic life can get, and I hope everything is ok in yours. Just wanted you to know you are missed, and not forgotten. Hope to see your talent here again soon. -Eve\;\)

PatPBJul 9, 2007

Hey! is everything ok? I hope your mum is recovered and that your job isn't s stressful anymore. Can't wait to see you back here!

Becca182Jul 4, 2007

Hi, I wanted to say that I really love your stories and hope to read new ones soon. I hope that your mother gets better soon. And good luck to you in your job.

freescarlettJun 17, 2007

Hi, I hope your mother gets better soon and that you'll have a "calm" time on your job. We (I mean all your fans ;-) miss you much and are looking forward to your next stories. But for now the important thing is that your mum gets better and that yoi have less stress. A big hug, Scarlett \:\)

lilbecca1002Jun 11, 2007

Hi i Wanted To Write a Message To Yhuu Just to Say That yhuur Screen Shots Are Amazing ! Where Did Yhuu Get All The Custon Content ? W r i t e B a c k B e e e c c a xxx

AlyoshaJun 11, 2007

Hello! Just dropped by to update you on Black Statue five! Since school have started for me for a week or more already, i do not have as much time as i did to make the story, sooo, production is quite slow... i am still on it, but i promise all of you that i will be able to publish it... i am quite eager to finish my story. So, that is what i promise all of you!

sweetcharmingJun 10, 2007

I really hope that your mom gets better and your job, too!Good luck to you!!!\:\)

Ninamarie100Jun 10, 2007

\;\) Just stopping by your page once more, I hope you're mom get's better!,And you're job..Good luck.\:wacko\: \:rah\:

nanaponJun 8, 2007

you are an amazing story writer. \:wub\: i just finished reading the urban legends and they are one of the best series i have ever read! (and i read alot of stories) once, at a sleepover, my friends and i all wanted to do the bloddy mary thing but we chickend out. i have never tried it but after reading your story i really want to! i dont scare easily but those stories gave me chills. \:ph34r\: i just loved your twins series too! keep up the fantastic work! \:rah\:

bingochao1Jun 8, 2007

i hope your mum gets better and I hope your job gets better too \:\)

foxysenseiJun 7, 2007

You poor thing! you've been through it huh? Well thanks for your lovely comment anyway on my Rainee's Terrible Secret story. Hope you have time soon to do another one of your own -they are always addictive!

DaishiJun 6, 2007

I hope your mom and your new job gets better, the best of luck to you \:\)

kitfu11May 30, 2007

I hope your mom gets better soon! And that the stress on your new job lets up too! Hope you get a chance to get back to your stories~ \:\) \:\)

shopgirl!May 29, 2007

I'm so sorry about your mom, I hope everything goes well with her, and I hope to see more of your stories soon.

PatPBMay 29, 2007

Just hang in there!! You have a lot of TSR friends \:\) Your mother will be ok. I live in another continent across tje atlantic but if you ever need anything, don't be shy! \:rah\: can't wait to read your next stories! You rule! \:D

a_midnight_ravenMay 28, 2007

I've been sick with a bad disease (not sure what it's called, but somebody died of it, but mine is less severe) on top of a fever, and been stuck in bed for a few days. I thought you would have published a story already until I saw your profile! I hope your mother gets well soon, and when life doesn't give you lemons, you grow your own! Best Wishes, Erica

DIDAMay 27, 2007

i hope u ll be fine!!!dont worry about your mother!she'll be fine!!! it's nothing!!!and u have all the time u want!all here in TSR love u(as i see here, in GB!!)be fine!!!!!! \:D miss your storiesssss \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

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