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cadiva's Blog

Time to go

After being at TSR for seven years, more than four of those as a moderator, it's time to say goodbye. I've met some amazing people and will be moving with them to Platinum Simmers, a new site being set up by some former TSR Featured Artists and Moderators. 

Maybe I'll see some of you guys over there

James is three

Time just seems to vanish by in a whirl of activity these days. James turned three last Wednesday so I thought I'd pop an updated picture of him blowing out the candles on the first of his two birthday cakes.

James' 3rd birthday

Festive Greetings to everyone

On behalf of myself, Mike and James, we'd like to wish our TSR family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2011. We shall be heading down to Devon to spend the festive season with Mike's dad and his step-mum so I'll have limited internet access so I just wanted to send my festive greetings to everyone before we left.

a Christmas card

It's April already

How does it happen? How does time go by so quickly that before you know it four months has passed since your last blog entry? Things here have been carrying on much the same as usual. James had his second birthday and we celebrated with a trip to my brother's and visits to the seaside and to an aquarium.

Since then we've been to visit James' grandpapa and his aunt down in Devon which means a long car journey for us all. Fortunately James is a relatively happy traveller and is quite content in his car seat to look out of the window and watch the world go by.


Christmas Wishes!

Hey everyone, thank you all so much for the lovely festive wishes you've all been sending. I'm so busy at the moment that trying to get back around all the people I should be writing in their Guestbooks just isn't going to happen.

So I'm writing my blog to wish everyone the best Christmas ever and hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Here's hoping 2010 brings everyone good fortune and all they wish for. We've not been able to put our Christmas tree up this year due to a lack of room but we've got some Christmas decorations up and a lovely Poinsettier in the window.

And I have a new picture of the wee boy to show you all. He's excited for Christmas but isn't quite sure why everyone else is excited and I am looking forward a lot to seeing his face when he spots all the presents this year at my parent's house.


James in his Pickle Paints Tshirt and LanaVida longies

My little boy

Haven't posted for a while so this is a quick update before Christmas. Life in the Cadiva household goes on pretty much the same. James has us running ragged but he's so cute he gets away with it. We have a busy life with either people visiting or us going out to mum and baby groups.

He's rapidly approaching his second birthday in March and I can't believe where the time has gone. It seems like he's always been around and part of our lives and I couldn't conceive of life without him. Hopefully he'll have a brother or sister in the not too distant future and then our little family will be complete.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to everyone at TSR and best wishes for 2010.


James wearing his Woolly Wumpkins longies


Been a while since I posted anything here, scary how time just flies by. James is now 18 months old, walking, almost talking with loads of teeth and hair!

I've switched to playing Sims 3 and I have to say I love it, wasn't sure that I was going to like it but I'm loving it so much I've actually uninstalled all my TS2 games and CC - more than 6G of it that I didn't even back up and save somewhere else that's how convinced I am I won't play Sims 2 again.

Am looking forward to World Adventures and the chance of new building tools and extra places to visit and things to do, along with the new objects I'm sure are going to come with the EP.

I've been building in Sims 3 but haven't done lots because I've been so busy actually playing the game, which is a massive change for me as I rarely played TS2 outside of the TSR Challenges.

James' first birthday

Well, I can't believe it but my son James is a year old today, where has the time gone? So far he's had three temper tantrums today and is currently in his play pen having a whinging paddy. All this because he didn't sleep properly last night and was awake at 4am this morning!

His dad and me have  bought him a garage for his birthday, which has failed to arrive yet from the Early Learning Centre, so big epic fail on their part for that as they said it would up up to four days delivery. I noticed when I went to look for a present for another one of James' baby friends that the garage is now showing up as out of stock so mine better arrive tomorrow or else!

He hasn't got loads of things, a couple of all in ones, some jigsaw puzzles, a gorgeous batick blanket from his grandpapa and a wooden rattle from his aunty El all the way from New Zealand, my parents have bought him some Premium Bonds - lets hope they come up with the million pound prize then! He got money to go in his savings account - when we finally get round to opening one up for him and his Uncle Richard bought him some vouchers for Next, so he can get some lovely new posh clothes.

Will attach some pics later on.


James and his rattle just for Padre

Birthday Wishes

Hello all, I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to pop along and wish me a Happy Birthday, it's much appreciated. Today I'm not doing anything much,  but tomorrow my dearly beloved is taking me to Maxi's, which is my favourite Chinese restaurant, for lunch and dim sum!

I got an odd assortment of presents, some books, a lovely scarf, and a bath caddy thing which means I can read my book in the bath without it getting wet!

Busy busy

I have got loads of houses to put on the site, I just don't seem to be able to find a spare five minutes to do it. Having a nearly nine month old baby seems to take away whatever time I used to have to do things and I seem to have even less time now than I did when I was working!

Anyways, this is just a small heads up to the minute number of you that actually bother to read my blog :)
I'll be heading down to Devon on the 19th and won't be back until after Christmas so I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope you all have a lovely festive season.

Latest Headlines

Time to go James is three Festive Greetings to everyone It's April already Christmas Wishes! My little boy Whoops James' first birthday Birthday Wishes Busy busy
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