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Created for: The Sims 4
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Eva Acosta is an elegant and chic Sims! Her likes to live in the city, in an attic in the downtown! This Sims is very creative and art lover!
And it's also a hopeless romantic! She is very in love with Marcel, but I do not know if that love is reciprocated! We will have to play with them to see it!
In the end, I hope you like it, and enjoy it in your game!
You require:
Digital Deluxe Edition
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine out
Perfect Patio Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1367259
ItemID: 1367259
Filesize: 82 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Skin - S-Club WMLL thesims4 H.S ND skintones2.0 (Realism version 2.0B) by S-Club TSR
Skin (details) - Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Faceshine N19 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Amber Eyes N104 by Pralinesims TSR
Eyelashes - 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
Lipstick - LipsSet20 by ShojoAngel TSR
Hair - Anto - System (Hair) by Anto TSR
CC Closet:
Blazer - Accessory Blazer (Necklace category) by Lumy Sims
Dress - Lace Panel Bodycon Midi Dress by FashionRoyaltySims TSR
Earrings - NataliS_Onyx flower earrings by Natalis TSR
Handbag - Handbag 2 (Rings category) by Colores Urbanos TSR
Shoes - Madlen Julia Shoes by MJ95 TSR
Clutch - Flavia Clutch (Rings category) by SLYD TSR
Dressing gown - Paris Lace Negligee with Robe by alin2 TSR
Dress - Hannah Dress by Sentate TSR
Swimsuit - Chicest Choice Plunge Swimsuit by Harmonia TSR
Backgrounds - CAS Backgrounds Living Room by Annett85
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- S-Club WMLL thesims4 H.S ND skintones2.0 (Realism version 2.0B) by S-Club TSR
- Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Faceshine N19 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
- Amber Eyes N104 by Pralinesims TSR
- 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
- LipsSet20 by ShojoAngel TSR
- Anto - System (Hair) by Anto TSR
- Accessory Blazer (Necklace category) by Lumy Sims
- Lace Panel Bodycon Midi Dress by FashionRoyaltySims TSR
- NataliS_Onyx flower earrings by Natalis TSR
- Handbag 2 (Rings category) by Colores Urbanos TSR
- Madlen Julia Shoes by MJ95 TSR
- Flavia Clutch (Rings category) by SLYD TSR
- Paris Lace Negligee with Robe by alin2 TSR
- Hannah Dress by Sentate TSR
- Chicest Choice Plunge Swimsuit by Harmonia TSR
- CAS Backgrounds Living Room by Annett85