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Created for: The Sims 4
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Francine is an extraordinary painter. She is a passionate art, and of course very creative! She also likes to take care of her health, that's why she's a vegetarian!
She looks for love, and she's crazy about Boris! Who is Boris? Seek him on my page! It's your perfect match!
I hope you like this Sims! Enjoy it!
You require:
Digital Deluxe Edition
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine out
Perfect Patio Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1364308
ItemID: 1364308
Filesize: 100 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Hair - Sintiklia - Hair s35 Diva by SintikliaSims TSR
Skintone - Laura Skin by Ms Blue TSR
Skin (detail) - Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Paraspeckle Eyes by RemusSirion TSR
Eyelashes - 3D Lashes (Female) by Kijiko
Blush - Face Blusher N.22 (Eye Shadow categories) by a3ru
Lipstick - Blackberry Lip Nectar N92 by Pralinesims TSR
Dimple chin - Cleft Chin (Tattoo categories) by SLYD TSR
CC Closet:
Cardigan - ACC Loose-fit Cardigan (Bracelet category) by Marigold
Bag - S-Club LL ts4 bag N01 (Necklace category) by S-Club TSR
Hair tie - S-Club LL ts4 bowknot 01 (Hats category) by S-Club TSR
Backpack - Bucket Backpack V1 spring & summer collection (Bracelet category) by Marigold
Bathrobe - Bathrobe recolor (Recolor1) by Kardofe TSR
Coat - ACC winter coat checked (Bracelet category) by Marigold
Surfboard - [Island Paradise] Surfboard accessory (Bracelet category) by Severinka TSR
Backgrounds - Art Room City Street Background by arch129sims
Backgrounds - CAS Backgrounds Beach by Annett85
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Sintiklia - Hair s35 Diva by SintikliaSims TSR
- Laura Skin by Ms Blue TSR
- Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
- Paraspeckle Eyes by RemusSirion TSR
- 3D Lashes (Female) by Kijiko
- Face Blusher N.22 (Eye Shadow categories) by a3ru
- Blackberry Lip Nectar N92 by Pralinesims TSR
- Cleft Chin (Tattoo categories) by SLYD TSR
- ACC Loose-fit Cardigan (Bracelet category) by Marigold
- S-Club LL ts4 bag N01 (Necklace category) by S-Club TSR
- S-Club LL ts4 bowknot 01 (Hats category) by S-Club TSR
- Bucket Backpack V1 spring & summer collection (Bracelet category) by Marigold
- Bathrobe recolor (Recolor1) by Kardofe TSR
- ACC winter coat checked (Bracelet category) by Marigold
- [Island Paradise] Surfboard accessory (Bracelet category) by Severinka TSR
- Art Room City Street Background by arch129sims
- CAS Backgrounds Beach by Annett85