
432Creations 217,697Downloads

chayann's Blog

Lots of Lots!

Hello fellow Simmers!  Got the itch again....

This time I've fallen in love with lofts.  I've whipped up a few already. These were inspired by my second favorite television channel. They represent my take on several featured lofts on said channel.  I have taken many many liberties with these featured lofts, and some barely resemble what I had first envisioned when I began. Some of these seem to take on a life of their own....

I currently only have the base game, so my lots thus far are only base game compatible. I may add a few EP's in the future.





The Unsung Creator

I've been away for a time, enjoying my site,, and it has really been an eye-opener! I'm truly grateful to have been given the chance to play with it (Thanks Ricci2882!), but realize it's alot of hard work running your own site.

On that note, I do read the profiles of all the folks that comment on my creations. I look at their creations, if they have any, and sometimes download a thing or two. I find the neatest things that way! Because of this, I've invited a select few creators to Guest Spot on my site. Please note that I do not choose SA/FA creators (they've already got their recognition!!). I'm after the "Unsung Creators" of TSR and other sites.

Do you know of any "Unsung Creators" that may like to Guest Spot on SRU? If so, drop me a PM!

Thanks for reading, see you next time!

Happy Birthday GrannyBear!

This is called "GrannyBear's Peachy Parlor"...I hope you like it!

The Big Move

Hi again everyone...Hope y'all are doin all right today. It's November, nearly my birthday, and it's cold outside!

My College classes are keeping me busy, as if the kids didn't give me enough to do. It is with heavy heart that I announce that I will probably not be uploading to TSR for some time. But WAIT! There's more! I *will* however, be uploading to Because of my busy schedule, I don't have an hour to upload my recolors to TSR. SRU's format is a little different. You get the whole set, no matter what! none of this picking and choosing stuff, so i don't have to have a pic for every little thing I create. Saves lots of time. As a bonus, the site is FREE. No subscriptions, no registration, no nothing. you show up, you download, you sign the guestbook, you play Sims. Piece O' Cake!

There are also some other wonderful artists on SRU that may upload content exclusive to SRU. Stop by and see us!

I will be periodically checking this site (i still love the wonderful comments you guys leave, and do my best to respond to every one), and I may be back in the future!



Gosh, it seems like it's been AGES since I've uploaded anything here! i do apologize to my fan(s) - I admit I've been extremely busy (4 kids, 3 dogs, 2 jobs, 1 husband, and going to school full time), and slightly lazy. That, and I'm not overly thrilled about the new upload system here at TSR. Creating is so much fun! Submitting it sucks dirt. I mean REALLY. I mean, if I'm going to forgo my study time, it shouldn't be so painful!

On my lazy (but no less creative) days, I've been submitting to my sister site, Simaholics R Us: . You'll see things there that I don't have uploaded here. Ricci2882 is the site owner, and she makes it really easy (and fun!) to be in a creative frenzy! She's also an awesome creator/recolorer/lot builder in her own right. I've really enjoyed working with her.

Where do I get my inspiration? From everywhere. I may get a request for a kitchen, and then all of a sudden, I'll see (or create) a texture that absolutely SCREAMS kitchen, and I'll whip one up. My most successful recolor to date is the Star Child nursery. I whipped that texture up in just a few minutes, just because it came to me in a dream (or something). My worst recolor, the butterscotch, i did because I liked the color and the texture. Apparently I was the only one :) so you see, anything is possible in Simland!

Ok, that, and I am the proud owner of a narcoleptic pekingese and a schizophrenic chug (pug/chihuahua mix). Am I making light of those two very serious illnesses? Absolutely not. Cecelia (the peke) falls asleep in her dinner bowl almost constantly. The kids have even held her upside down to see if she still snores (she does).Pebbles (the chug) hears voices. Or at least, she tells us she does. I'm thinking it's probably because she is about 900 in doggy years. poor thing. How does this help me to create? Inspiration, absolute total pure inspiration. The Blue flowers set is a take on Cecelia's (we call her sis) favorite blanket. Daisies are Pebbles' favorite flower. to eat. you see what i mean?

Ok, I'm supposed to be at work now (I love Krystal's what can I say), so I guess I'd better get lost for now. and I have class tonite. Creative Problem solving. hmm...maybe i can figure out why Ricci2882 isn't an FA yet......

Lilac Latte and other stuff...

Lilac Latte kitchen was released, and dingaling me forgot to mention that the mission stuff requires OFB. But I bet you knew that already :) Thanks to TabbyLou for reminding ME!

LewLew did the most WONDERFUL textures in TC59 (hope all is well with you LewLew!), and I really want to do something with them. Just not sure what. H3wwy's recolor of Ricci2882's Musk Living Room Set is outstanding - I orignally started to recolor it for TC59, but H3wwy's outdone it! There's no way i can compare! I hope she uploads, it is just great. So, I'm back to square one. That's part of the reason I hesitate to look at other people's work in TC. she did such a great job (I mean, I drooled)! I don't want to borrow other people's ideas - makes it more challenging for me. I love being creative, and since I can't draw worth a rip, recoloring is my outlet. Rock on TC!

Yet another Kitchen

I've finally finished my latest kitchen in the mission kitchen series, this one in purple. It's called the Lilac Latte' Kitchen. Thanks scorpio *wink*

I'm uploading today, so hopefully you'll be able to download it sometime next week.

I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you'd like to see. I LOVE requests, they really get my creative juices flowing!

DSL is a beautiful thing!

WOOT! I'm finally up and running!! They got the DSL running last thursday, but then messed up the phone line :( Kinda hard to call for service on your phone when you live 15 minutes from nowhere and no cellular signal to be had! Had to drive to town to call windstream, but all is well now :)

Thanks Imme & Gayle for your encouraging words in my GB!

I suppose now I should create something to upload? :) Ok, but I have to do my homework first *blech*


Still no internet at home. The Krystal folks now know me by name, and I think I've put on 5lbs eating all these dang chiks! I have to type fast - i have class tonite, so my lunch hour is short.

I built a nice little vac home for the Three Lakes Vacation spot - I wish i had a pic, but it's on the big puter at home, which is sitting dead in my living room. It too cries out for the Net - all my subscription songs are expiring, right along with my patience for Windstream Communications. I hope they're able to diagnose & fix the problem tonite, even tho i won't be home til late. They've been really helpful this past week (they even left me a message on my answering machine telling me that they checked my system yesterday - gotta love that!). I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saying extra prayers all day long.

I think I may cheat and load them up on this puter to upload here. :)

Lunch is over (mmmmm....chiks...I can almost hear my arteries hardening), so back to work. Love & blessings to all - thanks for stopping by!

btw - anytime you see a "**rr**", that's me rattling my big bulky bangle bracelets at the TCers to say hello - I miss the community greatly & wish them lots of positive, flowing creativity!


&%@! internet!

More internet troubles this past week. I'm still not hooked up at home, and I'm jonesin big time! We get DSL tonight *fingers crossed*, so I'll be back up and running soon.

I've been puttering around with some simple formal dress recolors, just because I built a new neighborhood with a "Town Tart" and she needed to dress appropriately :) I have a tiger print and leopard print version of the zebra gown I'll upload shortly. My favorite is the leopard print gown, some of my snootier sims actually own it and wear it proudly!

We've also got BV this week, and we're still playing around with it. I plan on doing some vacation homes, but some of those will be released specifically through i will, of course, upload some here, but the cream of the crop I'm reserving for my other favorite site :), so please do check there also, if you are a fan (or even if you're not) of my work. Catherine does some killer meshes (she's really growing in her ability, she amazes me all the time), and I do my best to recolor them :)

I've almost completely dropped out of TC because I just don't have the time anymore. i do encourage anyone/everyone to at least visit - there are some wonderful people there who are very knowledgeable and friently. Atwa is incredibly giving of her time and help to anyone who asks; Momama has infectious charm (she cracks me up!), and Gayle_afcb has energy unlike anyone else I've ever known!! Tlkaska, Immek, Poohbear and others are also wonderful, wonderful people. I'm sure they've grown (especially after the success of TC50 Anniversary Set), but they are a great group nonetheless. *Waves to all TCers* I miss them all very much and hope to get back to it sometime.

That's enough for me, I have to get back to work, and sitting here at a Krystal hotspot banging away on TSR is NOT getting my reports done! kinda makes me wish i didn't eat all those chili cheese fries!

Y'all take care & come back soon!

Latest Headlines

Lots of Lots! The Unsung Creator Happy Birthday GrannyBear! The Big Move Recolors Lilac Latte and other stuff... Yet another Kitchen DSL is a beautiful thing! AARRGGHH!!!! &%@! internet!
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