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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

cariadbachJun 25, 2008

\:\) Just dropping by to say Hi, also to be nosy and read your guest book.\:P Have had a nice couple of days in Nottingham . Went to see Eric Clapton in concert. He was BRILLIANT\:D Had never been to Nottingham before. They had a nice Top Shop there, had a look in the window at their displays to see what you get up to\;\) Are they the same displays in each shop or do you get to do your own thing. Well ,off to catch up with my jobs, see you\:D

TrailRunner782Jun 25, 2008

OK, so I've got a new one for you.hehe The players themselves. UGH! One of the catchers for the other team decided he liked what he saw apparently and asked one of the other bartenders if I was legal!lol So she told him that I was 25 and told him my name, which I could kill her for! For the rest of the night he kept looking over at me saying I'll talk to you in a bit even though I was at my bar and not looking at him. I was trying to ignore him actually! My bar is right next to the field so I get stuck seeing these guys every night. Anyway he was One of the other bartenders must be jealous or something because she is always trying to talk to them and they just ignore her, so she told me to stop egging them on if I find it annoying. I told her I wasn't even looking at him, he just started calling over to me! I was so mad at Figured you'd like that one!haha \:D

twinkletoeJun 25, 2008

Did I figure out the site that you needed? I read what you wrote to Shirley (good job Pete on being so sweet and supportive) Of course you will make a terrific mom. It's not a pass or fail, its a stick with it no matter what, and I just know that you will and that you will give it your best and fill it with love. I'm proud of you and looking forward to hearing all your stories about FB. Anyway I'm courious about the site so let me know.\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeJun 23, 2008

Was the site SterlingSims2 ? If not let me know I might have another idea.

twinkletoeJun 23, 2008

Cinder I think I know the site you are talking about for houses. I go to Parsiminous often (my avi coat is from there) anyway I'm going to check out my favorites because I think I saved it there. I'll let you know what I find.\:wub\: Twinks

sallyhailsJun 23, 2008

LOL\:D No nothing rude, when I was in the army I was a VM too, but it means something totally different and not as glamorous as your job (yes there is something less glamorous than being covered in plaster at the end of the day)\:o I was a vehicle mechanic and worked on things ranging in size from a landrover to a tank, I went home covered in oil, axle greace and diesel every night\:P Your job sounds very interesting and not easy, after I left the army i went to work in retail and remember having to change the shelves when the new plans came in, that was hard work but actually having to come up with those plans must be even harder and a bit of a headache\;\) What company or store do you work for?

Angela! Jun 22, 2008

oh it's me again -simsxsims-\:o the other account exploded.\:\( Well i wanted to congrats you for the coming baby! \:wub\:

midland_04Jun 22, 2008

Cinderellimouse, there probably wasn't any new posts when you went back. the threads only show on the front page if there are new posts in them. Otherwise you have to search them out the hard way! I hope to see you in there. The texture provider changes wednesday, but you can start with any TC texture you want, you don't have to do them in order, or with only the current one. You can't mix the tc textures though, if you are using a certain tc, stick to those tc textures. If you want to use your own outside textures as I sometimes do, that's fine, but they really prefer you stick to what's provided. Most of the time there are good enough textures to make a whole room out of. Midland_04 \:cool\:

qvisnJun 22, 2008

Kids do use play as an excuse to beat you up, it shows that they feel comfy and safe with him, thats a good sign. You will be a great mum and you wont break anything as they are so precious,you will be so careful and gentle. Janes right about the welsh cakes, easy and so yummy.\:D Nice to have you around for the weekend.\:wub\:

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

You sound like you have the job I've always wanted. I wanted to go into Fashion Merchandising. Instead I went into Optical. New York would have been so cool, but Seattle would be cooler\;\) You should create in head while you are standing bored at work. It was really great to have such a long post to read today. We miss you of course when you are busy at work. I've been thinking about your little pumpkin. When will you know if it will be a boy or a girl. I've kind of been holding off in hopes to find out what it'll be. Although I have started something. So we'll see how it goes. Let me know ok.\:wub\: Twinks

cariadbachJun 22, 2008

\:\)Sorry, I wish could help , but the only bits of Parsimonious I use are for clothing. There is a section there that you can leave a message , perhaps they could help. Its so frustrating when you loose a favourite site. I tend to stick to all my old favorite tried and tested places\:P Hope the week end went well for you three\:P Enjoy the Welsh cakes , have a go, they are so easy to make Cinders , even you\:P could not go wrong and Pete will think you are such a domestic goddess when he tastes them, see you\:D

sallyhailsJun 19, 2008

I've been GB hopping to and came over to see what a VM was, I'm off to Twinks GB to see if it's what I think it is.\;\)

twinkletoeJun 19, 2008

What's VM? I was guest book hoppin'\;\) Sorry you couldn't go open the new store. Pete won't be forgotten next year\;\)

qvisnJun 18, 2008

I wonder if Pete would agree with being a stay at home Dad\:P Some couples do it and it works well, but you may find you dont have time to be bored and look on the bright side, i bet FB will have well equiped and tidy drawers.\:P

midland_04Jun 18, 2008

Cinderellimouse, I'm getting ready to head that way to see if I have any new comments or anything, I'll get the links and pm them to you. They usually don't want clothing done, but once in a while would probably be ok if you asked first. Most of it is to learn how to do object recoloring and retexturing better. Hope to see you in there. Midland_04 \:cool\:

TrailRunner782Jun 18, 2008

!!!!!!Why would somebody steal cheap undies???!lol I mean, if I were going to steal them I'd at least go for the silk ones!lol That's creepy. I don't get shameless but I looked him up.hehe Good for Jo too even thought I wouldn't have the you know what's to do that myself!haha And finding undies for his girlfriend...hmmmm... do they come in men's sizes?lol I've had the past few nights off from work so I don't have any good stories. \:\( The only one I have is that I work outside under a blue and white striped tent. We had a group of doctors in for a BBQ before the game and I kid you not, at least half of them asked me "Where's the blue tent?" I seriously had to resist the urge to say "Look up you idiot!"lol I think the smarter they are, the "dumber" they

cariadbachJun 18, 2008

\:\) Hi Cinders, You must have a day off today\:D Thanks for dropping by my page it was good to see you.The Balmoral is an old motor vessel that docks in Brisol ( I think) It comes up to North Wales for a week and does day trips. It was a surprise to see it at the bottom of my garden.Hope you are having a good day, see you\:D

Bury me deep inside your heartJun 17, 2008

Hi! I'm so glad you like my bedrooms, I see... now I understand, thanks for explain me. I like the most Ruby because there is a song called like that and I love it, its from Kaiser Chiefs \:wub\:. Take care \;\)

TrailRunner782Jun 16, 2008

Poor FB!!hehe I'm sure he'll be ok though, or at least you'll have time to prepare... my ADD didn't get too bad until I was about By that point I had already figured out how to deal with it.haha That's too funny about the guys buying their "girlfriends" They should just admit it, I mean it's not like they have to worry about looking bad. Half of them are prettier than most women!lol I don't know how they get away with it, maybe I should get some tips on makeup and stuff from them.hehe The sexy undies ad seems a little too late, I mean you're pregnant... having sexy underwear doesn't seem to be a problem! \;\) Maybe I should get some sexy undies...... hehe \:D

qvisnJun 16, 2008

Thanks for leaving a message for FBs friend. I hope you feel the backflips soon.\:P

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