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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

cariadbachJun 2, 2008

\:\) Did you make it to Chester Zoo or did you stay in bed all morning. I have not been there for years.Shirley was telling Sally that its cold down South , they must have been bad as we have had a lovely week end in Wales. Even sat out and had a BBQ last night. Off to bed for me or I wont want to get up in the morning- See you\:\)

Bury me deep inside your heartJun 1, 2008

Hi!!! I'm so glad you like my Ariel but I submit her in April 1 and she's still pendig\:\(. Have a lovely day \:wub\:

KarieJun 1, 2008

You will so LOVE the camera mod!! I am glad you got it and the clean pack installer. Any of the 3 of us can help you with any questions you have. TWO FB's??? Is that a possiblility?? \:eek\: That would be FUN, especially if they were identical!!\:P

TrailRunner782May 31, 2008

LOL I get the ad's too and the one I keep getting is the 10 best ways to lose stomach it trying to tell me something?! lol I know what you mean about the stupid drunk people, I work at a baseball stadium though so it's not as bad, at least we have security that can throw the people out! I do get the ones though who look me up on myspace when they get home and ask if I want to go out, it's kinda creepy. Especially since it's never the good ones, they're usually stupid or

hiedibear75May 31, 2008

Hey there. Um once again.....I don't know what that is.......manga(Q)\:confused\: (sorry no question mark key \:P ) Love Disney, definitely girly, and although things don't always work intentions are always good.......& Karie, Laurie, & Mike will tell you I'm VERY stubborn.\:D \:P \:cool\: Hope you keep feeling OK.\:wub\: Take care.\:wub\:

midland_04May 30, 2008

Cinderellimouse, If you want to set up a site/domain, I could help. you can take a look at a few of my designs if you like. I did that long before I started here. is our domain, that's my personal site. there is my free web graphics site. It's a bit outdated, I haven't worked with it in a while, but feel free to look around. all three of these sites I set up myself. I have a couple outside ones that I set up for people, but I couldn't remember their addresses. LOL Midland_04 \:cool\:

twinkletoeMay 30, 2008

Now why did you go and have me visualize that?\:eek\: ROTFLMAO I could just see you do the wiggle part\:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: LOL

qvisnMay 30, 2008

They should have me on there, i wake up so grumpy and growl at everyone. Im not human for the first half hour.\:eek\: still, i would miss my pc too much. Did you know that America's got talent is starting next week on TV? That would be worth watching.\:P

sallyhailsMay 30, 2008

I'm looking forward to it, kettle is on and pool is waiting\:D

midland_04May 30, 2008

Cinderellimouse, I wish I could work. I'm awesome at computers, and would do good in a company or my own business, but with my disability, I can't concentrate in school, and most companies won't hire you without the papers. So then there is the fact, you can't start your own business without money to do so... It sucks! \:P I run a computer business here out of the home anyways, it don't make a lot, so I don't have to report it, but it keeps my mind occupied. It's not a lack of computers, I've saved a lot of good machines from the landfill future, it's lack of customers. It's hard to get people to come out and buy a machine 13 miles out in the country. LOL But it's saved me a few times. Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 30, 2008

I don't 100% believe in the star signs......but then again I have noticed the same similarities that you were talking about. I'm a Leo and supposedly we're artistic......which IS right on.....and we're supposed to be stubborn....I've been accused of that once or twice LOL but then again I don't know about a lot of the traits. \:confused\:

pretty_babyMay 30, 2008

poor kate..she is soo gorgeous i hate her. and i love her in those rimmel ads. shes so cool. it is unfair coz she is basically private..but i guess thats the unfairness of being famous and stylish at the same time!! never wrong..i love top shop and i have used them quite a few HUNDRED times. they are hot. i also create stuff that i want in real life too...oh. im very biased. i only create stuff that i would wear. hahahahaah oh well. \:\)

KarieMay 30, 2008

Yes, you need the camera mod otherwise, a lot of neighborhoods are..well..pretty useless! It's easy to use and install, and I HATE to play my game w/out it, same with Laurie and Hiedi! GET IT!!! TRUST IN ME!!! I wanna see Flat Bob!! You HAVE got to share!! I am excited for you too!\:P

twinkletoeMay 30, 2008

I laughed so hard at the banana\:eek\: Thanks for your comment on my banner I had a little help from Shirley. Also thanks for your comment in my blog.\:wub\: Twinks

midland_04May 30, 2008

cinderellimouse, yea on SSI, it's a constant struggle, we barely make bills every month. Back in January, my dog cut her leg on a piece of tin out here, and the vet bill set me back for 3 months. It's like pulling teeth every month, it sucks. Anyways, it is the only reason I don't subscribe, I'm gonna finally break down, and cut something else to get my memory chip, but it's gonna make things tight, but I can't stand not to create anymore. LOL Midland_04 \:cool\:

qvisnMay 29, 2008

Thanks, im glad i kept the butterflies too. I do watch big brother, i try not to, then i get sucked in, i hope its milder this year with no IT girls.\:D

cariadbachMay 29, 2008

\:\) Had a great week-end thanks. It's a reunion that we do every May Bank Holiday. Next year will be the 20th\:eek\: I started it when we worked in London and we all moved to live in different areas. When all the kids were little we were a group of 24 , for the past couple of years its just six couples, but we still have great fun\:D Loads of good food, real ale, wine by the gallon. We do silly games and Murder Mysteries. I am usually worn out by the time we get back home. We are off to Spain next week, I cant take you with me as I am taking my sister, anyway Flat Bob would not want to be stuffed in a case\:P

Bury me deep inside your heartMay 29, 2008

Hi Karen!!! Sorry for the late reply, I hope you feel better \:\) I saw your banner, its so pretty\:wub\: Take care\;\)

twinkletoeMay 29, 2008

Hello mini site twin\:D I'm tired of the crud coming home from school and getting to me and the kids. I'm looking forward to the summer. Oh wait did I really say that?\:eek\: How's everything going for you? I figured out the banner but I need a little help with it. Mike helped me and then we decided to call it good for a while. I sure wish there was a photoshop class that I could take.

hiedibear75May 28, 2008 since you're due in December.........the 10th is an excellent day to have a child.....if I do say so myself. \;\) \:P I had my daughter 12-10-91, and she's graduating 3 semesters early.\:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

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