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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

qvisnMay 19, 2008

Dont go yet, i have been canvassing for your minisite, you have to stay up all night sorting it out, just joking, get some rest.\:wub\:

qvisnMay 19, 2008

upload another screenie, more kudos.\:D

qvisnMay 19, 2008

I dont have an ipod\:\( Adverts, i dont have adverts.\:eek\: I pay to not have adverts\:P you are not a subscriber then, i cant stand those flashing pics, it sends me loopy.\:P

qvisnMay 19, 2008

Theres already a thread in the forum about newsletters. Flat Bob must have had wind. I Did get the e-mail off Karie about the hummingbirds? awesome, i loved it. Im glad you liked our pics, i cant beleive you never saw them before. Are we getting a pic of Petes ankle, hes so brave, Sally's hubby laid on the couch when he hurt himself, the magic sponge didnt work for him. You do feel obligated to do sponsered walks, you cant let folk down. Jane cant teach me welsh cos i cant here her\:P

qvisnMay 19, 2008

Not many kudos to go. if only they would bring out the site news to our emails you could get loads, they owe us about 3 or 4 months worth now, CHEEK.\:eek\:

qvisnMay 19, 2008

TUTE? Tutorial for hair, i have given up again for now, i think i could do it if i had a proper programme.\:P As for languages, i dont speak any, i just swot before a trip and try to use a few words while im there.\:o I am off to Wales in august so i have to ba able to say more than hello and goodnight. I have to hear it to say it, like Dave says, monkey see,monkey do.\:P I have pics of my bluetits in my blog,the bird kind\:o Hows not so flat bob?\:wub\:

TrailRunner782May 19, 2008

LOL I'll be waiting for the little bubble above my head to say Summon Aliens.hehe 7 siblings?!! Wow, that must have been a fun house to grow up in! \:\) The funny thing is every guy I've dated has been an only child. I need to find someone with at least 1 brother or sister so I can be an Auntie.hehe I know what you mean about not having your clothes stolen... I do it to my best friend instead.hehe \;\)

hiedibear75May 19, 2008

queenie28 has a poll and a bunch of items......although since I can't have cc @ the moment it does me no good. \:rolleyes: But hey.....more kudos & cool cc potential for you.\:cool\: Take care. \:wub\:

pretty_babyMay 19, 2008

just thought id pop by and see how the mini site status was going..and by the looks of things its going great\:D

cariadbachMay 19, 2008

\:\) Just under 200 hundred kudos to go before you get your mini site\:rah\: \:rah\:

DirtdevillMay 18, 2008

Hi, cinderellimouse!\:D I'm sorry for my late response on all the wonderful and flattering words you left in my guestbook about my new banner and avatar. It made me so happy to read your lovely message!!!Thank you, I'm glad you like it and it's very much appriciated!!\:wub\: I loved to hear about it's looking like an egyptian, because I'm very fashinated about egypt, egyptian stuff, clothing and of course the famous piramides. I really would like to see them for once in my lifetime with my own eyes! I also do like magical and fairytalish things. I don't know if you like it? But I keep on hoping for E.A brings us the Sims2MakingMagic. Or.. maybe I better could say, that I believe deeply it wil be the 10th expansion? \:cool\: Cant tell you to much about it, only that for a few years ago there was "someone" who promised me it would come.. I hope he wil keep that promise!!! Btw, I bookmarked you. I like your creations & your very talented! It's one little step closer to your own Minisite. Wish you good luck and a lot of inspiration!! And thanks again for your lovely words. It's means a lot to me!!\:wub\: Grtz, Dirtdevill

twinkletoeMay 17, 2008

Hmmm sounds like there are a few differences. When prego we go to see a OBGYN doctor (not a family doctor but a preggers doctor) or you could chose a midwife who is liscensed and you use the hospital, or a doula and you stay home with the doula coming to your house. I used a midwife but I had complications and ended up seeing doctors too. Well I've got to get the kids TBall clothes together for thier game today so I'd better go.\:wub\: Twinks

cariadbachMay 17, 2008

\:\) Dropping by with my five. I never know whether to wish you a good week-end or not, as I don't know if you work Saturday and Sundays. If I was boss of the world people would only have to work Mondays and Wednesdays as they are the boring days of the week\:P Back to rainy weather here in Wales. Last Sat we had our meal outside on the balcony, tonight indoors with the heating on\:eek\: Take care , not far off that Mini Site now, see you\:D

hiedibear75May 17, 2008

I found you yet another poll. \:D "tamlfra" has one and it's a funny one too........I'll take it tomorrow as I already did one today.\;\) Take care. \:wub\:

samcactus101May 17, 2008

Hey, I'm fine, but things are getting really tense with my mid-year exam next week. I just finished doing my revision\;\)Its 1:00pm and thought I pop into TSR a while. Can you believe it? I saw the exam schedule yesterday and for Wednesday, the paper starts at 7AM, and you gotta be at least 20 minutes early\:eek\: \:eek\: \:ph34r\: So I haveta wake up at 5 in the morning and get dressed\:mad\: \:ph34r\: Anyweyz, I hope things are better with you\:\)

hiedibear75May 17, 2008

Thanks.\:D \:cool\: I didn't even know I had until my friends stopped by and said something on my GB. \:P LMAO Thank you very much.\:wub\: PS I'll make up another poll over the weekend or like on Monday or something for ya.\;\) \:cool\: Sim ya soon.\:wub\:

KarieMay 16, 2008

HEY! shadow66 has a poll!!! You are getting CLOSE!!! Coming soon to a TSR page near you....A MINI SITE!!!! \:P \:D

KarieMay 16, 2008

You guys are so funny. I thought everyone knew what a brain fart is! LOL. It's where you forget something that you know should already know, and you feel really stupid for not knowing it or remembering it. Old folks might call them "senior moments" (in spite of what Hiedibear, LaurieR or my hubby might say, I AM NOT OLD so I don't use that one). Hiedi calls it the Sizzler Syndrome (Sizzler is the resturant that had the infamous sign that fell on her and crushed her). I like your romance set, it's very pretty. I have to come back later when I am on MY computer and get them. I still haven't put a lot of stuff back in my game yet. I am still mad about that because it's turned out my problem was my mouse. It's dying. I played the uninstall/reinstall game over a stupid mouse.\:mad\:

TrailRunner782May 16, 2008

Hey! I love being a nerd.hehe It's funny actually because my parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday (it's great being an only child.hehe I'm 25 and I still get birthday gifts!) and I told them a My Dad has a telescope and I pretty much have seen everything I can with it and now I'm ready to move on. \:D Take care!!

qvisnMay 16, 2008

Transfixed? they nearly knock each others heads off.\:P

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